
(chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (UCV)

Default: VP0_VelocityCorrection = 0 vn+1=v~n+1Δt~vρc\begin{align} {\bf v}^{n+1} = \tilde{\bf v}^{n+1} - \frac{\tilde{\Delta t}_v}{\rho} \cdot \nabla c \end{align} By default, this correction (Chorin-correction) is switched off for the "vp-"-option, as we assume the velocity to be sufficiently close to its appropriate value of div(v). However, theoretically it is not wrong to perform the correction, see equation (24) in Meshfree_Methods_Proceeding_Paper_Jefferies_Kuhnert_17042014.pdf or equation (2.6) in DOCUMATH_ScalingOfLinearSystem_MxV.pdf. There is one risk: if the correction pressure (%ind_c%) is corrupt, that will then also mess up the velocity.
This item is referenced in:
VP0_VelocityCorrection invoke velocity correction based on correction pressure (%ind_c%) for vp- solver (CV)
VP0_VelocityCorrection (chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (UCVO)
VP0_VelocityCorrection (chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (UCV)
vp- directly incompressible, implicit solver with penalty formulation