
input file for development and debugging purposes

The file common_variables.dat (CV) contains mostly numerical parameters that are used for development and debugging. Currently, efforts are made to reduce the number of mandatory parameters to a minimum (aim is none).

  • Some CV-parameters can also be set in USER_common_variables (UCV). The UCV-definition is dominant and overwrites the CV-definition (see warnings file in the simulation folder). The Ucv parameters can be found here.

  • Some CV-parameters can be set chamberwise, which can be necessary for multi-phase simulations. If such a parameter is not set for specific chambers, it is automatically set according to the non-chamberwise definition for all chambers.

List of members:
additionalPoint_approximation (experimental) in EULERIMPL and EULEREXPL setting
AdvancedFreeSurfaceAtTimeStep advanced checking of free surface point (Delaunay based) starting at which time cycle
AMFPMJ_CommonAdministrationDirectory define a directory that MESHFREE uses for synchronization of multiple MESHFREE jobs
APPROXIMATENEWPOINTS_SeparateInteriorBoundary enforce separation of boundary and interior neighbors for initial approximation
BE_CleanUp_STL choose whether and when to clean up STL geometries
BE_SmoothLength_RefreshAfterHowManyCycles refresh the SMOOTH_LENGTH helper arrays after this many time cycles
BEmap_DefaultValue Default value of BE_MAP (CV)
BEmap_MPIcomm_Version MPI communication version of BE_MAP (CV)
BEmap_PointFilter_Version Point filter version of BE_MAP (CV)
BEmon_DefaultValue Reset Value for BE_MONITOR_ITEM (CV)
BEmon_MPIcomm_Version MPI communication version of BE_MONITOR_ITEM (CV)
BETA_FOR_LIMITER parameter for controlling the Sweby limiter
BND_SearchTreeAdministration_NbTimeStepsUntilFirstSkip skip the construction of the boundary element search tree after this many time cycles
BND_SearchTreeAdministration_RefreshTreeAfterHowManyCycles refresh the boundary element search tree after this many time cycles
BUBBLE_DoTheManagement (chamberwise) switch regarding bubble analysis (CV)
BUBBLE_EdgeValue (experimental) edge value limit for the detection of open edges
BUBBLE_EnforceAveragePressure fix average pressure for all bubbles (CV)
BUBBLE_fac_pHydrostatic (experimental) numerical relaxation parameter for pHydrostatic in case of bubbles
BUBBLE_pOffset define offset pressure for bubble pressure-on-volume analysis (CV)
BUBBLE_UseTopologyConstraint (chamberwise) parameter to use topology analysis for bubble-volume computation
COEFF_Abaqus_H factor for Abaqus mesh interpolation
COEFF_dt (chamberwise) factor for computation of time step size (CV)
COEFF_dt_coll time step criterion from interaction model (DROPLETPHASE only) (CV)
COEFF_dt_d30 time step criterion depending on %ind_d30% (DROPLETPHASE only) (CV)
COEFF_dt_Darcy define the virtual time step size for applications with Darcy (Brinkman) term (CV)
COEFF_dt_free (experimental) factor for exaggerated movement of the free surface (CV)
COEFF_dt_SurfaceTension_A time step criterion for surface tension, parameter A (CV)
COEFF_dt_SurfaceTension_B time step criterion for surface tension, parameter B (CV)
COEFF_dt_SurfaceTension_C (experimental) time step criterion for surface tension, parameter C (CV)
COEFF_dt_virt (chamberwise) scaling factor for the virtual time step size (CV)
COEFF_mue scaling factor for numerical viscosity (CV)
COEFF_p_divV factor to switch on and control the p*div(v) term in temperature equation
COMP_AddBoundaryParticles boundary point addition settings: how often to fill and how many refill cycle loops to do each time
COMP_AddInteriorParticles interior point addition settings: how often to fill and how many refill cycle loops to do each time
COMP_AdjustEtaEff invoke more stability by controlling the total viscosity
COMP_CosEdgeAngle (chamberwise) parameter to identify edges in geometry (CV)
COMP_CosOpenEdge specify how the boundary continues at an open edge
COMP_development parameter to control recent developments
COMP_DoOrganizeOnlyAfterHowManyCycles do the point cloud organization only after how many time cycles (CV)
COMP_DoOrganizePointsUntil do the organization only until a certain amount of time steps
COMP_DropletphaseSubcycles switch for subcycling in DROPLETPHASE (CV)
COMP_DropletphaseWithDisturbance disturbance for DROPLETPHASE (CV)
COMP_dt_indep parameter to switch on independent time stepping for two-phase LIQUID simulations with v-- and vp- (CV)
COMP_EtaGrad_Version define the way of numerically modeling the property-times-gradient operator
COMP_facSmooth_Eta parameter for weight kernel definition for smoothing of viscosity and density. For the darcy constant this value is set to 6.0 (CV)
COMP_FillEdges fill additional points to the edges of an inflow area
COMP_GradtEtaGrad_Version define the way of numerically modeling the diffusion operator
COMP_IsolatedParticles_MinNbOfInteriorNeigh (chamberwise) parameter for the minimum number of interior neighbors a points should have
COMP_IsolatedParticles_MinNbOfNeigh (chamberwise) parameter for the minimum number of (total) neighbors a points should have
COMP_nbSmooth_Darcy number of smoothing cycles for the Darcy constant.
COMP_nbSmooth_Eta number of smoothing cycles for effective, total viscosity and density (CV)
COMP_nbSmooth_pCorr smooth heat conductivity
COMP_refineGeometry_MaxCycles Maximum number of refinement cycles in refineGeometry{
COMP_RemeshBoundary parameter to control remeshing of IGES-files (CV)
COMP_RemoveBoundaryParticles boundary point removal settings
COMP_RemoveInteriorParticles interior point removal settings
COMP_SharedMemoryForBE turn on use of MPI shared memory for boundary geometry if available
COMP_SharedMemoryForGT2 turn on use of MPI shared memory for GEOTREE2 if available
COMP_SkipHighVelocities for how many consecutive cycles a corrupt solution of velocity is accepted, before MESHFREE stops
COMP_SortBEintoBoxes_Version version how to organize/prepare boundary elements for efficient computation
COMP_TimeCheck switch on time measurements for the main tasks of MESHFREE
COMP_TypeSmooth_Eta type for smoothing of viscosity (CV)
COMP_TypeSmooth_Rho type for smoothing of density (CV)
COMP_WettingAngleVariante How to incorporate the contact angle between free surface and wall
CompDistToBoundary_Acc threshold of distance until which the distance to different BE is treated as equal
compute_FS (chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (CV)
compute_FS_InitialFilling (Chamberwise) flag to compute free surfaces during initial filling
compute_LAYER (experimental) influence to Neighbor Filtering over Layers
compute_phase_boundary (obsolete) invoke detection of interface connections (CV)
CONTROL_StopAfterReadingGeometry stops the MESHFREE program after geometry is read (CV)
CONTROL_writeUcvLines write out the Ucv-lines read during startup (debugging feature)
damping_p_corr (chamberwise) parameter to reduce the dynamic pressure as initial guess for the next time level (CV)
DEBUG_Check_CCOR generate control write out for correction pressure
DEBUG_Check_PDYN generate control write out for dynamic pressure
DEBUG_Check_PHYD generate control write out for hydrostatic pressure
DEBUG_Check_VELO generate control write out for velocity
DEBUG_GeneralParameter General list of debug parameters at the developers disposal
DEBUG_SHM_MPIwindow GASDYN parameter for FPM2
delaunay_reduction switch for Delaunay reduction procedure
DIFFOP_ConsistentGradient consistent gradient in the sense d/dn = n*grad (CV)
DIFFOP_gradient type of least squares approximation stencils for gradients
DIFFOP_kernel_Gradient (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for gradients (CV)
DIFFOP_kernel_Laplace (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for the Laplacian (CV)
DIFFOP_kernel_Neumann (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for Neumann operators (CV)
DIFFOP_kernel_Transport (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for the transport operators (CV)
DIFFOP_laplace type of least squares approximation stencils for the Laplacian (CV)
DIFFOP_Neumann_ExcludeBND (chamberwise) parameter to exclude boundary points from the neighborhood for the computation of the Neumann operators (CV)
DIFFOP_Version version of least squares operators
DIFFOP_WeightReductionInCaseOfDeactivation (chamberwise) parameter to reduce the weight of a neighbor point in case of deactivation (CV)
dist_aip initial relative distance to boundary of a newly injected MESHFREE point (aip = add injected points)
dist_FS_from_BND define hole size for the free surface detection
dist_LayerThickness minimal thickness for degenerated 3D phase
dist_parceling (experimental / Under development) Maximum relative distance to initiate parceling
dist_parceling_FreeFlight (experimental / Under development) Maximum relative distance to initiate parceling
dist_rab relative allowed minimum distance of MESHFREE points to boundary (rab = remove at boundary)
dist_rip relative allowed minimum distance between MESHFREE points (rip = remove interior points)
DP_UseOnlyRepulsiveContactForce switch regarding attractive forces in spring-damper model (CV)
DROPLETPHASE_MaxEquivalentParcelDiameter Limiting maximum equivalent parcel diameter for parceling in DROPLETPHASE (CV)
DROPLETPHASE_MaxNeighboursForDeParceling Limiting number of neigbors to trigger declustering in DROPLETPHASE (CV)
DROPLETPHASE_MaxRelativeParcelVelocity Limiting maximum relative parcel velocity for parceling in DROPLETPHASE (CV)
DROPLETPHASE_MinNeighboursForParceling Limiting number of neigbors to trigger declustering in DROPLETPHASE (CV)
DROPLETPHASE_nbTSforParceling Number of time steps after which parceling will be done
DROPLETPHASE_SubcyclingMPICommunication switch for MPI communication within each cycle of subcycling in DROPLETPHASE (CV)
DROPLETPHASE_SubcyclingReadGravity switch for updating gravity within each cycle of subcycling in DROPLETPHASE (CV)
eps_p precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of pressure (CV)
eps_phyd precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of hydrostatic pressure (CV)
eps_T precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of temperature (CV)
eps_v precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of velocity (CV)
FLIQUID_AssignPenalties_EpsilonP vp- coupled linear system: lower bound for ratio between pressure and velocity entries, PRESSURE EQUATION
FLIQUID_AssignPenalties_EpsilonV vp- coupled linear system: upper bound for ratio between velocity and pressure entries, VELOCITY EQUATION
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffJOKER TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffMM TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffNN TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffTT TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffWEIGHT TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_UseDivV (chamberwise) parameter to use numerical approximations of div(v) in direct computation of dynamic pressure (i.e. consistent pressure)
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_Version version how to compute the consistent pressure (CV)
FOFTLIQUID_AdditionalCorrectionLoops additional velocity correction loops (CV)
GASDYN_CorrectEnergy correct total energy in GASDYN application
GASDYN_CorrectMass correct mass in GASDYN application
GASDYN_FPM2_alpha GASDYN parameter for FPM2
GASDYN_FPM2_beta GASDYN parameter for FPM2
GASDYN_p_gain limit the pressure gain in GASDYN-applications
GASDYN_p_loss limit the pressure drop in GASDYN-applications
GASDYN_r_gain limit the density gain in GASDYN-applications
GASDYN_r_loss limit the density drop in GASDYN-applications
GASDYN_T_gain limit the temperature gain in GASDYN-applications
GASDYN_T_loss limit the temperature drop in GASDYN-applications
GASDYN_Upwind2ndOrder DEPRECATED!!! (GASDYN parameter for FPM1)
GASDYN_Upwind_Lbeta (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1 and FPM3
GASDYN_Upwind_Lgamma (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1 and FPM3
GASDYN_UpwindOffset (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1
GASDYN_Version (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter to choose FPM1 or FPM2
GEOTREE2_BND_FinalBoxDimension relative size extent of GEOTREE2 leaves
GEOTREE2_BND_FinalBoxSize number of triangles in a GEOTREE2 leaf
GEOTREE2_EstablishCON_Version parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points
GEOTREE2_FinalBoxSize parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points
GEOTREE2_IntListMargin parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points
GEOTREE2_MaximumBoxSize parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points
GEOTREE2_SizeOfSearchBox parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points
iFPM_process_ID give a maximum 16-digit MESHFREE process ID
IGES_Accuracy relative accuracy for consistency checks of IGES-faces (CV)
IGES_HealCorruptFaces allow a certain depth of healing triangulation of IGES faces by refinement (CV)
int_BND_part_add boundary point addition interval
int_BND_part_remove boundary point removal interval
int_part_add interior point addition interval
int_part_remove interior point removal interval
INTEGRATION_ReopenTimestpFilesAfterHowManyCycles *.timestep-Files close and reopen again after how many cycles (debug reasons)
IPC_ReadMultipleFramesDuringRuntime (experimental) switch to enable read in of multiple frames for ReadInPointCloud
ISOLATEDPOINTS_ClusterOnResultingVolume threshold to cluster two isolated points into one
ISOLATEDPOINTS_ProduceVolumePackage threshold to turn isolated points into volume packages
ITWMESI_PressureMapping_Filter coupling ITWMESI filter for mapping the pressure solution to the boundary elements
ITWMESI_PressureMapping_WeightPdyn coupling ITWMESI weight for mapping dynamic pressure
ITWMESI_PressureMapping_WeightPhyd coupling ITWMESI weight for mapping hydrostatic pressure
ITWMESI_ShearForceMapping_BasedOnStresses coupling ITWMESI: decide whether the shear forces be projected as stress values (N/m^2) or as forces (N)
ITWMESI_ShearForceMapping_Filter coupling ITWMESI filter for mapping the shear force solution to the VPS boundary elements
ITWMESI_ShearForceMapping_Weight coupling ITWMESI weight for mapping the shear forces
LIMITER slope limiter for controlling numerical diffusion in MUSCL-reconstruction scheme in EULERIMPL and EULEREXPL setting
LINEQN_BundleSolvers bundle solvers for linear systems
LINEQN_scaling choose the way how to scale/normalize the linear systems (CV)
LINEQN_solver linear solver to be used for the coupled vp- or v-- system (CV)
LINEQN_solver_ScalarSystems linear solver to be used for the scalar systems like pressure, temperature, etc. (CV)
LSDYNA_ConvertQuadToTria See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_ConvertQuadToTria See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_CouplingRate See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_CouplingRate See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_MaximumJumpinMFTimeStep See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_MaximumJumpinMFTimeStep See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_NodeTolerance See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_ScaleLength See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_ScaleMinNodeDistance See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_ShellElement_ThicknessOffset See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_ShellElement_ThicknessOffset See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_SkipGeometryUpdate See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_SkipGeometryUpdate See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_SkipPressureMapping See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_SkipPressureMapping See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_Transform See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_UseExplicitVelocity See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_UseExplicitVelocity See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_UseImplicitRun See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_UseImplicitRun See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_UseInternalPartIDs See LS-DYNA
LSDYNA_UseInternalPartIDs See LS-DYNA
MASS_correction_DivergenceVelocity Mass Correction for weakly compressible flow problems
max_N_stencil maximum number of neighbor points accepted for stencil computation and numerics (CV)
max_N_stencil_INTERIOR max. number of neighbors accepted for stencil computation and numerics only for interior points
MEMORIZE_ResetReadFlag reset frequency for MEMORIZE_Read flag (CV)
MESHFREE_LICENSE_FILE overwrite the environment variable
MPI_AllreduceMaxNbPackages Maximum Number of packages created per MPI Allreduce operation
MPI_AllreducePackageSize Package Size of MPI Allreduce operations
MPI_WeightingMethodForBisection how to give weights to points for the MPI-bisection process
Nb_InflowLayers Nb_InflowLayers
NB_OF_ACCEPTED_REPETITIONS number of permitted repetitions of substep in EULERIMPL setting
NB_POINTS_BC_HEAT_EQUATION_1D number of points for 1D heat equation for temperature boundary condition
nb_TStoRescueInvalidBubbles Number of time steps an invalid bubble should be kept
NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod choose how to exclude neighbors from MESHFREE points at critical geometry parts
nue Spatial dimension of problem (default=3)
OBJ_ConvertQuadToTria convert quads into triangles upon read-in
ord_convection define approximation order of the transport operators
ord_eval define approximation order for refill points (CV)
ord_gradient (chamberwise) approximation order of the gradient operators (CV)
ord_laplace define approximation order of the Laplace operators (CV)
ORGANIZE_ActivateBNDpoints_Version version for the boundary point activation
ORGANIZE_BE_ClusterNodesPoints_Version define version number for clustering of geometry node points after geometry is read in from file (such as stl-files)
ORGANIZE_BringNewPointToFreeSurface define maximum distance a newly created point at the free surface can be moved in order to perfectly fit the free surface
ORGANIZE_CheckAllPointsForFreeSurfaceUntilTimeStep consider all points as candidates for free surface until a given time step
ORGANIZE_CheckFreeSurface_Version define version number for the free-surface-check
ORGANIZE_CheckPointsAtFS_PerformPreCheck invoke additional algorithm in order to find candidates for free surface detection
ORGANIZE_DeveloperCheck_Version version of the debugging routine ORGANIZE_DeveloperCheck
ORGANIZE_DistanceToBoundary_Version define version number for distance-to-boundary computations
ORGANIZE_ForceInsideCheckForAllParticles inside-check for all MESHFREE points
ORGANIZE_ForceInsideCheckForNewParticles inside-check for new MESHFREE points
ORGANIZE_ForceTouchCheckAtWalls touch-check for MESHFREE points at walls
ORGANIZE_FuzzyMPIFilling (chamberwise) parameter to allow MPI processes to fill points outside their own domain
ORGANIZE_OppositePoints_Version define version number for detecting points of the other phase to be coupled (opposite points)
ORGANIZE_PreAllocationSize define version number for distance-to-boundary computations
ORGANIZE_PSTOneReductionStep_Version version how to reduce MESHFREE points if they come to close to each other
ORGANIZE_PSTOneRefillStep3_UseFromWhichTime use the new implementation of PST_OneRefillStep_3 from which time
ORGANIZE_PSTOneRefillStep3_UseFromWhichTimeStep use the new implementation of PST_OneRefillStep_3 from which time step
ORGANIZE_QualityCheck_ListNbOfNeighbors number of neighbors per point for which the quality check has to be performed
ORGANIZE_ReducedFillingOfWalls (chamberwise) parameter for reduced filling of boundaries marked as walls
ORGANIZE_ReducedFillingOfWallsIgnoreNofillForStartup Switch for initializing walls with %ACTIVE_nofill% with BE points
ORGANIZE_RefillOnlyForActiveBoundaryParticles (chamberwise) parameter to trigger the point refilling procedure along the boundary only for active boundary points
ORGANIZE_USER_update_boundary_particles_Version version of USER_update_boundary_particles.f90 to be used
pBubble_Offset define offset pressure for bubble pressure-on-volume analysis
PHASE_distinction invoke detection of interface connections (CV)
PointDsplMethod (experimental) Choice among different ways to move points in Lagrangian framework (CV)
prec_seek_holes number of test points created for hole search
pure_TRANSPORT (experimental) choice of spatial discretization scheme for transport terms in EULERIMPL and EULEREXPL setting
QUICKVIEW_SaveHowOften Interval for writing QUICKVIEW files
radius_hole relative allowed hole size (CV)
rel_dist_bound relative distance of neighboring points at boundaries (CV)
rel_dist_edge relative distance of neighboring points at edges of the geometry
RepairGeometry enforce clustering of geometry nodes upon read-in (CV)
RepresentativeMass_iData (chamberwise) parameter for the RepresentativeMass algorithm (CV)
RESTART_useSTREAMfile use the STREAM inp/output for restart files
restartnewBE_filling (chamberwise) parameter to control filling of new boundary elements upon restart (CV)
restartnewBE_PossibleGeometryIntersection (chamberwise) parameter to control additional checks during filling of new points after restart with new boundary elements (CV)
RIGIDBODY_TimeIntegrationDamping Numerically damping of the time integration
RIGIDBODY_TimeIntegrationPPI Tichonov-regularization parameter for rigid bodies with links or intersections
RIGIDBODY_TimeIntegrationVersion choose time integration version (still experimental)
RIGIDBODY_UseCollisionModel switch on the collision model for rigs bodies (rigid-wall and rigid-rigid)
SAMG_Setupreuse accelerates SAMG solver for quasi-stationary point clouds (CV)
SAVE_ASCII_split splits ASCII output files if larger than 2GB
SAVE_atEndOfTimestep choose to save data for visualization at the end of time steps instead of at the start (CV)
SAVE_ERF_retryWrite choose the precision (number of digits) for values in the timestep file (CV)
SAVE_PrecisionTimestepFile choose the precision (number of digits) for values in the timestep file (CV)
SAVE_QuickView Interval for writing QUICKVIEW files
SCAN_ClustersOfConnectivity (chamberwise) switch on cluster checking of MESHFREE point cloud by neighborhood connectivity (CV)
SIGNAL_LaunchComputationalSteering Switch between the two options of computational steering
SimCut (chamberwise) parameter to stop filling of geometry by MESHFREE points after a certain number of filling cycles (CV)
SimCutBoundary (chamberwise) parameter to stop filling of boundary by MESHFREE points after a certain number of filling cycles (CV)
SkipMarkingPointsLayer2 (experimental) switch for marking the second layer near the boundary in EULERIMPL setting
SpecialBNDtreatmentEULERIMPL (experimental) switch for special boundary treatment for MUSCL reconstruction in EULERIMPL scheme
SPM_matrix_times_vector_Version version for the matrix-times-vector operations for sparse linear systems
SPM_N_iterations maximum number of iterations in linear system solver
SPM_Regularization_Epsilon adjust numerical parameter epsilon for the matrix regularizations
SPM_Regularization_Type regularization type if all boundaries are Neumann-type
StencilOrderReductionNearBND_forEULERIMPL (experimental) switch for order reduction of x,y,z-derivative stencils in EULERIMPL setting
STRESSTENSOR_Variante version of stress tensor time integration (CV)
STRESSTENSOR_Variante_Factor factor in stress tensor time integration with respect to the shear modulus (CV)
SUBSTEPS_EXPL number of explicit substeps for solving TRANSPORT part in EULEREXPL setting
SUBSTEPS_IMPL number of implicit substeps with constant time step size in EULERIMPL setting
SurfaceTesselationActiveBoundary_cRadius radius of the basic disc for the surface tesselation cells on active boundary, including free surface, excluding inactive points
SurfaceTesselationRegularBoundary_cRadius radius of the basic disc for the surface tesselation cells on regular boundary
time_integration_expl order of explicit time integration scheme in EULEREXPL setting
time_integration_impl order of implicit time integration scheme in EULERIMPL setting
time_integration_impl_solve_v order of implicit time integration scheme for velocity only (EULERIMPL)
time_step_gain relative amount by which new timestep size can increase at maximum compared to old timestep size
time_step_loss relative amount by which new timestep size can decrease at maximum compared to old timestep size (adaptive timestep size)
TIMECHECK_Level time check only up to a given level
TimestepFile_HeaderType parameter determines if header of INTEGRATION statements is stored in first line of .timestep files or in separate .timestep.header files (CV)
TOL_keps (control of time step size) error tolerance for computing the k-epsilon model using SDIRK2 method in EULERIMPL setting
TOL_T (control of time step size) error tolerance for computing the temperature using SDIRK2 method in EULERIMPL setting
TOL_v (control of time step size) error tolerance for computing the velocity using SDIRK2 method in EULERIMPL setting
TRANSPORT_ODE_fct_evaluation (experimental) switch for additional function evaluation within the implicit time integration scheme in EULERIMPL setting
turn_down_BND_order (chamberwise) parameter to automatically reduce the approximation order of a boundary point
use_BubbleManagement (chamberwise) switch regarding bubble analysis
USER_curve_interpol_cache turn on caching in USER_curve_interpol_3
V00_SmoothDivV Chorin projection: smooth the local values of div(v) before going into the correction pressure computation (CV)
VOLUME_correction (chamberwise) parameter to correct volume by GLOBALLY adjusting the divergence of velocity term (CV)
VOLUME_correction_FreeSurface (chamberwise) parameter to correct volume by tiny global lifting of the free surface (CV)
VOLUME_correction_local (chamberwise) parameter to correct volume by LOCALLY adjusting the divergence of velocity term due to representative mass balance (CV)
VOLUME_correction_ResetOnRestart (experimental) resets the volume correction quantities of each chamber to the current values
VP0_VelocityCorrection invoke velocity correction based on correction pressure (%ind_c%) for vp- solver (CV)
WallLayer Turbulent wall layer thickness
WARNINGS_BND_Integrate flag controlling the warnings in BND_Integrate
WARNINGS_USER_parse_IsConditionStringFulfilledByBE flag controlling the warnings in USER_parse_IsConditionStringFulfilledByBE
WARNINGS_USER_parse_IsConditionSubstringFulfilledByBE flag controlling the warnings in USER_parse_IsConditionSubstringFulfilledByBE