input file for development and debugging purposes
The file common_variables.dat (CV) contains mostly numerical parameters that are used for development and debugging. Currently, efforts are made to reduce the number of mandatory parameters to a minimum (aim is none).
Note:Some CV-parameters can also be set in USER_common_variables (UCV). The UCV-definition is dominant and overwrites the CV-definition (see warnings file in the simulation folder). The Ucv parameters can be found here.
Some CV-parameters can be set chamberwise, which can be necessary for multi-phase simulations. If such a parameter is not set for specific chambers, it is automatically set according to the non-chamberwise definition for all chambers.
List of members: | |
additionalPoint_approximation | (experimental) in EULERIMPL and EULEREXPL setting |
AdvancedFreeSurfaceAtTimeStep | advanced checking of free surface point (Delaunay based) starting at which time cycle |
AMFPMJ_CommonAdministrationDirectory | define a directory that MESHFREE uses for synchronization of multiple MESHFREE jobs |
APPROXIMATENEWPOINTS_SeparateInteriorAndBoundaryPoints | |
APPROXIMATENEWPOINTS_SeparateInteriorBoundary | enforce separation of boundary and interior neighbors for initial approximation |
BCGSL_ell | |
BE_CleanUp_STL | choose whether and when to clean up STL geometries |
BE_SmoothLength_RefreshAfterHowManyCycles | refresh the SMOOTH_LENGTH helper arrays after this many time cycles |
BEmap_DefaultValue | Default value of BE_MAP (CV) |
BEmap_MPIcomm_Version | MPI communication version of BE_MAP (CV) |
BEmap_PointFilter_Version | Point filter version of BE_MAP (CV) |
BEmon_DefaultValue | Reset Value for BE_MONITOR_ITEM (CV) |
BEmon_MPIcomm_Version | MPI communication version of BE_MONITOR_ITEM (CV) |
BETA_FOR_LIMITER | parameter for controlling the Sweby limiter |
BND_alpha | |
BND_beta | |
BND_gamma | |
BND_SearchTreeAdministration_NbTimeStepsUntilFirstSkip | skip the construction of the boundary element search tree after this many time cycles |
BND_SearchTreeAdministration_RefreshTreeAfterHowManyCycles | refresh the boundary element search tree after this many time cycles |
BUBBLE_DoTheManagement | (chamberwise) switch regarding bubble analysis (CV) |
BUBBLE_EdgeValue | (experimental) edge value limit for the detection of open edges |
BUBBLE_EnforceAveragePressure | fix average pressure for all bubbles (CV) |
BUBBLE_fac_pHydrostatic | (experimental) numerical relaxation parameter for pHydrostatic in case of bubbles |
BUBBLE_pOffset | define offset pressure for bubble pressure-on-volume analysis (CV) |
BUBBLE_UseTopologyConstraint | (chamberwise) parameter to use topology analysis for bubble-volume computation |
CLUSTER_Size | |
CoarsenGeometry | |
COEFF_Abaqus_H | factor for Abaqus mesh interpolation |
COEFF_dt | (chamberwise) factor for computation of time step size (CV) |
COEFF_dt_coll | time step criterion from interaction model (DROPLETPHASE only) (CV) |
COEFF_dt_d30 | time step criterion depending on %ind_d30% (DROPLETPHASE only) (CV) |
COEFF_dt_Darcy | define the virtual time step size for applications with Darcy (Brinkman) term (CV) |
COEFF_dt_free | (experimental) factor for exaggerated movement of the free surface (CV) |
COEFF_dt_SurfaceTension_A | time step criterion for surface tension, parameter A (CV) |
COEFF_dt_SurfaceTension_B | time step criterion for surface tension, parameter B (CV) |
COEFF_dt_SurfaceTension_C | (experimental) time step criterion for surface tension, parameter C (CV) |
COEFF_dt_virt | (chamberwise) scaling factor for the virtual time step size (CV) |
COEFF_Iopp_Repair | |
COEFF_mue | scaling factor for numerical viscosity (CV) |
COEFF_p_divV | factor to switch on and control the p*div(v) term in temperature equation |
COEFF_penalty | |
COMP_AddBoundaryParticles | boundary point addition settings: how often to fill and how many refill cycle loops to do each time |
COMP_AddInteriorParticles | interior point addition settings: how often to fill and how many refill cycle loops to do each time |
COMP_AdjustEtaEff | invoke more stability by controlling the total viscosity |
COMP_CheckConservationDuringOrganization | |
COMP_CosEdgeAngle | (chamberwise) parameter to identify edges in geometry (CV) |
COMP_CosOpenEdge | specify how the boundary continues at an open edge |
COMP_DeflationLevel | |
COMP_development | parameter to control recent developments |
COMP_DoOrganizeOnlyAfterHowManyCycles | do the point cloud organization only after how many time cycles (CV) |
COMP_DoOrganizePointsUntil | do the organization only until a certain amount of time steps |
COMP_DropletphaseSubcycles | switch for subcycling in DROPLETPHASE (CV) |
COMP_DropletphaseWithDisturbance | disturbance for DROPLETPHASE (CV) |
COMP_dt_indep | parameter to switch on independent time stepping for two-phase LIQUID simulations with v-- and vp- (CV) |
COMP_EtaGrad_Version | define the way of numerically modeling the property-times-gradient operator |
COMP_evoid | |
COMP_facSmooth_Eta | parameter for weight kernel definition for smoothing of viscosity and density. For the darcy constant this value is set to 6.0 (CV) |
COMP_FastBoundaryRefill | |
COMP_FillEdges | fill additional points to the edges of an inflow area |
COMP_GradtEtaGrad_Version | define the way of numerically modeling the diffusion operator |
COMP_HydrostaticPressure | |
COMP_IsolatedParticles_MinNbOfInteriorNeigh | (chamberwise) parameter for the minimum number of interior neighbors a points should have |
COMP_IsolatedParticles_MinNbOfNeigh | (chamberwise) parameter for the minimum number of (total) neighbors a points should have |
COMP_MaxSubCycle | |
COMP_MinSubCycle | |
COMP_nbSmooth_Darcy | number of smoothing cycles for the Darcy constant. |
COMP_nbSmooth_Eta | number of smoothing cycles for effective, total viscosity and density (CV) |
COMP_nbSmooth_pCorr | smooth heat conductivity |
COMP_OppositePoints_NoFreeSurface | |
COMP_RandomizedFilling | |
COMP_ReduceSn | |
COMP_refineGeometry_MaxCycles | Maximum number of refinement cycles in refineGeometry{ |
COMP_RemeshBoundary | parameter to control remeshing of IGES-files (CV) |
COMP_RemoveBoundaryParticles | boundary point removal settings |
COMP_RemoveInteriorParticles | interior point removal settings |
COMP_SharedMemoryForBE | turn on use of MPI shared memory for boundary geometry if available |
COMP_SharedMemoryForGT2 | turn on use of MPI shared memory for GEOTREE2 if available |
COMP_SkipHighVelocities | for how many consecutive cycles a corrupt solution of velocity is accepted, before MESHFREE stops |
COMP_SortBEintoBoxes_Version | version how to organize/prepare boundary elements for efficient computation |
COMP_StressRelaxAtFreeAndSlipSurface | |
COMP_TimeCheck | switch on time measurements for the main tasks of MESHFREE |
COMP_TypeSmooth_Eta | type for smoothing of viscosity (CV) |
COMP_TypeSmooth_Rho | type for smoothing of density (CV) |
COMP_WettingAngleVariante | How to incorporate the contact angle between free surface and wall |
COMP_WettingAngleWeight | |
CompDistToBoundary_Acc | threshold of distance until which the distance to different BE is treated as equal |
CompDistToBoundary_EffectiveSearchRadius | |
compute_FS | (chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (CV) |
compute_FS_InitialFilling | (Chamberwise) flag to compute free surfaces during initial filling |
compute_LAYER | (experimental) influence to Neighbor Filtering over Layers |
compute_phase_boundary | (obsolete) invoke detection of interface connections (CV) |
CONTROL_StopAfterReadingGeometry | stops the MESHFREE program after geometry is read (CV) |
CONTROL_writeUcvLines | write out the Ucv-lines read during startup (debugging feature) |
correct_CONS | |
correction_pressure | |
damping_p_corr | (chamberwise) parameter to reduce the dynamic pressure as initial guess for the next time level (CV) |
Darcy_PrimaryDirection | |
Darcy_PrimaryDirectionFactor | |
DDO_average | |
DDO_laplace | |
DEBUG_Check_CCOR | generate control write out for correction pressure |
DEBUG_Check_PDYN | generate control write out for dynamic pressure |
DEBUG_Check_PHYD | generate control write out for hydrostatic pressure |
DEBUG_Check_VELO | generate control write out for velocity |
DEBUG_DefaultRescue | |
DEBUG_GeneralParameter | General list of debug parameters at the developers disposal |
DEBUG_SHM_MPIwindow | GASDYN parameter for FPM2 |
DEL_rel_dist_shuffle | |
delaunay_reduction | switch for Delaunay reduction procedure |
delta_uw | |
delta_uw_bp | |
DIFFOP_ConsistentGradient | consistent gradient in the sense d/dn = n*grad (CV) |
DIFFOP_gradient | type of least squares approximation stencils for gradients |
DIFFOP_kernel_Gradient | (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for gradients (CV) |
DIFFOP_kernel_Laplace | (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for the Laplacian (CV) |
DIFFOP_kernel_Neumann | (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for Neumann operators (CV) |
DIFFOP_kernel_Transport | (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for the transport operators (CV) |
DIFFOP_laplace | type of least squares approximation stencils for the Laplacian (CV) |
DIFFOP_Neumann_ExcludeBND | (chamberwise) parameter to exclude boundary points from the neighborhood for the computation of the Neumann operators (CV) |
DIFFOP_PPI_Gradient | |
DIFFOP_PPI_Laplace | |
DIFFOP_PPI_Neumann | |
DIFFOP_Version | version of least squares operators |
DIFFOP_WeightReductionInCaseOfDeactivation | (chamberwise) parameter to reduce the weight of a neighbor point in case of deactivation (CV) |
dist_aip | initial relative distance to boundary of a newly injected MESHFREE point (aip = add injected points) |
dist_between_phases | |
dist_FS_from_BND | define hole size for the free surface detection |
dist_FS_new_part | |
dist_LayerThickness | minimal thickness for degenerated 3D phase |
dist_merge_opp_face | |
dist_parceling | (experimental / Under development) Maximum relative distance to initiate parceling |
dist_parceling_FreeFlight | (experimental / Under development) Maximum relative distance to initiate parceling |
dist_rab | relative allowed minimum distance of MESHFREE points to boundary (rab = remove at boundary) |
dist_rip | relative allowed minimum distance between MESHFREE points (rip = remove interior points) |
DP_UseOnlyRepulsiveContactForce | switch regarding attractive forces in spring-damper model (CV) |
DROPLETPHASE_MaxEquivalentParcelDiameter | Limiting maximum equivalent parcel diameter for parceling in DROPLETPHASE (CV) |
DROPLETPHASE_MaxNeighboursForDeParceling | Limiting number of neigbors to trigger declustering in DROPLETPHASE (CV) |
DROPLETPHASE_MaxRelativeParcelVelocity | Limiting maximum relative parcel velocity for parceling in DROPLETPHASE (CV) |
DROPLETPHASE_MinNeighboursForParceling | Limiting number of neigbors to trigger declustering in DROPLETPHASE (CV) |
DROPLETPHASE_nbTSforParceling | Number of time steps after which parceling will be done |
DROPLETPHASE_SubcyclingMPICommunication | switch for MPI communication within each cycle of subcycling in DROPLETPHASE (CV) |
DROPLETPHASE_SubcyclingReadGravity | switch for updating gravity within each cycle of subcycling in DROPLETPHASE (CV) |
ELASTOPLASTIC_FadeOut_divS_gradP | |
EPS_global | |
eps_p | precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of pressure (CV) |
eps_phyd | precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of hydrostatic pressure (CV) |
eps_T | precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of temperature (CV) |
eps_v | precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of velocity (CV) |
FLIQUID_AssignPenalties_EpsilonP | vp- coupled linear system: lower bound for ratio between pressure and velocity entries, PRESSURE EQUATION |
FLIQUID_AssignPenalties_EpsilonV | vp- coupled linear system: upper bound for ratio between velocity and pressure entries, VELOCITY EQUATION |
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffJOKER | TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2 |
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffMM | TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2 |
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffNN | TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2 |
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffTT | TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2 |
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_CoeffWEIGHT | TEMPORARY: factor to study consistent pressure version 2 |
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_UseDivV | (chamberwise) parameter to use numerical approximations of div(v) in direct computation of dynamic pressure (i.e. consistent pressure) |
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_Version | version how to compute the consistent pressure (CV) |
FOFTLIQUID_AdditionalCorrectionLoops | additional velocity correction loops (CV) |
GASDYN_CorrectEnergy | correct total energy in GASDYN application |
GASDYN_CorrectMass | correct mass in GASDYN application |
GASDYN_FPM2_alpha | GASDYN parameter for FPM2 |
GASDYN_FPM2_beta | GASDYN parameter for FPM2 |
GASDYN_p_gain | limit the pressure gain in GASDYN-applications |
GASDYN_p_loss | limit the pressure drop in GASDYN-applications |
GASDYN_r_gain | limit the density gain in GASDYN-applications |
GASDYN_r_loss | limit the density drop in GASDYN-applications |
GASDYN_T_gain | limit the temperature gain in GASDYN-applications |
GASDYN_T_loss | limit the temperature drop in GASDYN-applications |
GASDYN_Upwind2ndOrder | DEPRECATED!!! (GASDYN parameter for FPM1) |
GASDYN_Upwind_Lbeta | (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1 and FPM3 |
GASDYN_Upwind_Lgamma | (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1 and FPM3 |
GASDYN_UpwindOffset | (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1 |
GASDYN_Version | (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter to choose FPM1 or FPM2 |
GEOTREE2_BND_FinalBoxDimension | relative size extent of GEOTREE2 leaves |
GEOTREE2_BND_FinalBoxSize | number of triangles in a GEOTREE2 leaf |
GEOTREE2_EstablishCON_Version | parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points |
GEOTREE2_FinalBoxSize | parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points |
GEOTREE2_IntListMargin | parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points |
GEOTREE2_MaximumBoxSize | parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points |
GEOTREE2_SizeOfSearchBox | parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points |
GLOBAL_eps_mass | |
GLOBAL_eps_momentum | |
GLOBAL_N_iterations | |
iFPM_process_ID | give a maximum 16-digit MESHFREE process ID |
IGES_Accuracy | relative accuracy for consistency checks of IGES-faces (CV) |
IGES_HealCorruptFaces | allow a certain depth of healing triangulation of IGES faces by refinement (CV) |
int_BND_part_add | boundary point addition interval |
int_BND_part_remove | boundary point removal interval |
int_part_add | interior point addition interval |
int_part_cross_BND | |
int_part_remove | interior point removal interval |
int_part_smooth | |
INTEGRATION_ReopenTimestpFilesAfterHowManyCycles | *.timestep-Files close and reopen again after how many cycles (debug reasons) |
IPC_ReadMultipleFramesDuringRuntime | (experimental) switch to enable read in of multiple frames for ReadInPointCloud |
ISOLATEDPOINTS_ClusterOnResultingVolume | threshold to cluster two isolated points into one |
ISOLATEDPOINTS_ProduceVolumePackage | threshold to turn isolated points into volume packages |
ITERATION_EstimatedFutureStressTensor | |
ITERATION_evoid | |
ITWMESI_PressureMapping_Filter | coupling ITWMESI filter for mapping the pressure solution to the boundary elements |
ITWMESI_PressureMapping_WeightPdyn | coupling ITWMESI weight for mapping dynamic pressure |
ITWMESI_PressureMapping_WeightPhyd | coupling ITWMESI weight for mapping hydrostatic pressure |
ITWMESI_ShearForceMapping_BasedOnStresses | coupling ITWMESI: decide whether the shear forces be projected as stress values (N/m^2) or as forces (N) |
ITWMESI_ShearForceMapping_Filter | coupling ITWMESI filter for mapping the shear force solution to the VPS boundary elements |
ITWMESI_ShearForceMapping_Weight | coupling ITWMESI weight for mapping the shear forces |
LIMITER | slope limiter for controlling numerical diffusion in MUSCL-reconstruction scheme in EULERIMPL and EULEREXPL setting |
LINEQN_BundleSolvers | bundle solvers for linear systems |
LINEQN_scaling | choose the way how to scale/normalize the linear systems (CV) |
LINEQN_solver | linear solver to be used for the coupled vp- or v-- system (CV) |
LINEQN_solver_ScalarSystems | linear solver to be used for the scalar systems like pressure, temperature, etc. (CV) |
LSDYNA_AbortIfTLDgreaterTMF | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_AbortIfTLDgreaterTMF | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ConvertQuadToTria | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ConvertQuadToTria | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_CouplingRate | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_CouplingRate | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_MaximumJumpinMFTimeStep | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_MaximumJumpinMFTimeStep | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_NodeTolerance | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ScaleForce | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ScaleForce | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ScaleLength | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ScaleMinNodeDistance | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ScaleTime | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ScaleTime | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ShellElement_ThicknessOffset | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_ShellElement_ThicknessOffset | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_SkipGeometryUpdate | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_SkipGeometryUpdate | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_SkipPressureMapping | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_SkipPressureMapping | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_Transform | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_UseExplicitVelocity | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_UseExplicitVelocity | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_UseImplicitRun | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_UseImplicitRun | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_UseInternalPartIDs | See LS-DYNA |
LSDYNA_UseInternalPartIDs | See LS-DYNA |
MASS_correction_DivergenceVelocity | Mass Correction for weakly compressible flow problems |
max_N_stencil | maximum number of neighbor points accepted for stencil computation and numerics (CV) |
max_N_stencil_INTERIOR | max. number of neighbors accepted for stencil computation and numerics only for interior points |
MaximumNumberOfPointsDuringComputation | |
MEMORIZE_ResetReadFlag | reset frequency for MEMORIZE_Read flag (CV) |
MESHFREE_LICENSE_FILE | overwrite the environment variable |
MPI_AllreduceMaxNbPackages | Maximum Number of packages created per MPI Allreduce operation |
MPI_AllreducePackageSize | Package Size of MPI Allreduce operations |
MPI_CommunicationMethod | |
MPI_ExcludeDirectionFromBisection | |
MPI_WeightingMethodForBisection | how to give weights to points for the MPI-bisection process |
Nb_InflowLayers | Nb_InflowLayers |
NB_OF_ACCEPTED_REPETITIONS | number of permitted repetitions of substep in EULERIMPL setting |
NB_POINTS_BC_HEAT_EQUATION_1D | number of points for 1D heat equation for temperature boundary condition |
nb_TStoRescueInvalidBubbles | Number of time steps an invalid bubble should be kept |
NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod | choose how to exclude neighbors from MESHFREE points at critical geometry parts |
nue | Spatial dimension of problem (default=3) |
OBJ_ConvertQuadToTria | convert quads into triangles upon read-in |
OPTIMIZATION_InitialGuessOfVi_Fast | |
ord_convection | define approximation order of the transport operators |
ord_eval | define approximation order for refill points (CV) |
ord_gradient | (chamberwise) approximation order of the gradient operators (CV) |
ord_laplace | define approximation order of the Laplace operators (CV) |
ORGANIZE_ActivateBNDpoints_Version | version for the boundary point activation |
ORGANIZE_BE_ClusterNodesPoints_Version | define version number for clustering of geometry node points after geometry is read in from file (such as stl-files) |
ORGANIZE_BringNewPointToFreeSurface | define maximum distance a newly created point at the free surface can be moved in order to perfectly fit the free surface |
ORGANIZE_CheckAllPointsForFreeSurfaceUntilTimeStep | consider all points as candidates for free surface until a given time step |
ORGANIZE_CheckFreeSurface_Version | define version number for the free-surface-check |
ORGANIZE_CheckPointsAtFS_PerformPreCheck | invoke additional algorithm in order to find candidates for free surface detection |
ORGANIZE_DeveloperCheck_Version | version of the debugging routine ORGANIZE_DeveloperCheck |
ORGANIZE_DistanceToBoundary_Version | define version number for distance-to-boundary computations |
ORGANIZE_ForceInsideCheckForAllParticles | inside-check for all MESHFREE points |
ORGANIZE_ForceInsideCheckForNewParticles | inside-check for new MESHFREE points |
ORGANIZE_ForceTouchCheckAtWalls | touch-check for MESHFREE points at walls |
ORGANIZE_FuzzyMPIFilling | (chamberwise) parameter to allow MPI processes to fill points outside their own domain |
ORGANIZE_OppositePoints_Version | define version number for detecting points of the other phase to be coupled (opposite points) |
ORGANIZE_PreAllocationSize | define version number for distance-to-boundary computations |
ORGANIZE_PSTOneReductionStep_Version | version how to reduce MESHFREE points if they come to close to each other |
ORGANIZE_PSTOneRefillStep3_UseFromWhichTime | use the new implementation of PST_OneRefillStep_3 from which time |
ORGANIZE_PSTOneRefillStep3_UseFromWhichTimeStep | use the new implementation of PST_OneRefillStep_3 from which time step |
ORGANIZE_QualityCheck_ListNbOfNeighbors | number of neighbors per point for which the quality check has to be performed |
ORGANIZE_ReducedFillingOfWalls | (chamberwise) parameter for reduced filling of boundaries marked as walls |
ORGANIZE_ReducedFillingOfWallsIgnoreNofillForStartup | Switch for initializing walls with %ACTIVE_nofill% with BE points |
ORGANIZE_RefillOnlyForActiveBoundaryParticles | (chamberwise) parameter to trigger the point refilling procedure along the boundary only for active boundary points |
ORGANIZE_ToleranceForGapAnalysisOfRegularBoundary | |
ORGANIZE_ToleranceForIsInGap | |
ORGANIZE_USER_update_boundary_particles_Version | version of USER_update_boundary_particles.f90 to be used |
pBubble_Offset | define offset pressure for bubble pressure-on-volume analysis |
PHASE_distinction | invoke detection of interface connections (CV) |
PointDsplMethod | (experimental) Choice among different ways to move points in Lagrangian framework (CV) |
prec_seek_holes | number of test points created for hole search |
pure_TRANSPORT | (experimental) choice of spatial discretization scheme for transport terms in EULERIMPL and EULEREXPL setting |
QUICKVIEW_SaveHowOften | Interval for writing QUICKVIEW files |
QUICKVIEW_VariableList | |
QUICKVIEW_Version | |
QUICKVIEW_WhichParticles | |
radius_hole | relative allowed hole size (CV) |
rel_dist_bound | relative distance of neighboring points at boundaries (CV) |
rel_dist_edge | relative distance of neighboring points at edges of the geometry |
RepairGeometry | enforce clustering of geometry nodes upon read-in (CV) |
RepresentativeMass_iData | (chamberwise) parameter for the RepresentativeMass algorithm (CV) |
RESTART_useSTREAMfile | use the STREAM inp/output for restart files |
restartnewBE_filling | (chamberwise) parameter to control filling of new boundary elements upon restart (CV) |
restartnewBE_PossibleGeometryIntersection | (chamberwise) parameter to control additional checks during filling of new points after restart with new boundary elements (CV) |
RIGIDBODY_TimeIntegrationDamping | Numerically damping of the time integration |
RIGIDBODY_TimeIntegrationPPI | Tichonov-regularization parameter for rigid bodies with links or intersections |
RIGIDBODY_TimeIntegrationVersion | choose time integration version (still experimental) |
RIGIDBODY_UseCollisionModel | switch on the collision model for rigs bodies (rigid-wall and rigid-rigid) |
SAMG_Setupreuse | accelerates SAMG solver for quasi-stationary point clouds (CV) |
SAVE_ASCII_split | splits ASCII output files if larger than 2GB |
SAVE_atEndOfTimestep | choose to save data for visualization at the end of time steps instead of at the start (CV) |
SAVE_ERF_retryWrite | choose the precision (number of digits) for values in the timestep file (CV) |
SAVE_PrecisionTimestepFile | choose the precision (number of digits) for values in the timestep file (CV) |
SAVE_QuickView | Interval for writing QUICKVIEW files |
SaveRestartOnInit | |
SCAN_ClustersOfConnectivity | (chamberwise) switch on cluster checking of MESHFREE point cloud by neighborhood connectivity (CV) |
SIGNAL_LaunchComputationalSteering | Switch between the two options of computational steering |
SimCut | (chamberwise) parameter to stop filling of geometry by MESHFREE points after a certain number of filling cycles (CV) |
SimCutBoundary | (chamberwise) parameter to stop filling of boundary by MESHFREE points after a certain number of filling cycles (CV) |
SkipMarkingPointsLayer2 | (experimental) switch for marking the second layer near the boundary in EULERIMPL setting |
smooth_BND_movement | |
smooth_BND_normal | |
smooth_FS_SurfaceTension | |
SOLVEV_N_iterations | |
SPAI_eps | |
SPAI_first | |
SPAI_maxentries | |
SPAI_maxiter | |
SPAI_precond_method | |
SPAI_precond_preparation | |
SPAI_restart | |
SPAI_smax | |
SpecialBNDtreatmentEULERIMPL | (experimental) switch for special boundary treatment for MUSCL reconstruction in EULERIMPL scheme |
SPM_matrix_times_vector_Version | version for the matrix-times-vector operations for sparse linear systems |
SPM_N_iterations | maximum number of iterations in linear system solver |
SPM_Regularization_Epsilon | adjust numerical parameter epsilon for the matrix regularizations |
SPM_Regularization_Type | regularization type if all boundaries are Neumann-type |
StencilOrderReductionNearBND_forEULERIMPL | (experimental) switch for order reduction of x,y,z-derivative stencils in EULERIMPL setting |
STRESSTENSOR_Variante | version of stress tensor time integration (CV) |
STRESSTENSOR_Variante_Factor | factor in stress tensor time integration with respect to the shear modulus (CV) |
stretch_search | |
SUBSTEPS_EXPL | number of explicit substeps for solving TRANSPORT part in EULEREXPL setting |
SUBSTEPS_IMPL | number of implicit substeps with constant time step size in EULERIMPL setting |
SurfaceTesselationActiveBoundary_cRadius | radius of the basic disc for the surface tesselation cells on active boundary, including free surface, excluding inactive points |
SurfaceTesselationRegularBoundary_cRadius | radius of the basic disc for the surface tesselation cells on regular boundary |
time_integration_expl | order of explicit time integration scheme in EULEREXPL setting |
time_integration_impl | order of implicit time integration scheme in EULERIMPL setting |
time_integration_impl_solve_v | order of implicit time integration scheme for velocity only (EULERIMPL) |
time_step_gain | relative amount by which new timestep size can increase at maximum compared to old timestep size |
time_step_loss | relative amount by which new timestep size can decrease at maximum compared to old timestep size (adaptive timestep size) |
TIMECHECK_Level | time check only up to a given level |
TimestepFile_HeaderType | parameter determines if header of INTEGRATION statements is stored in first line of .timestep files or in separate .timestep.header files (CV) |
TOL_keps | (control of time step size) error tolerance for computing the k-epsilon model using SDIRK2 method in EULERIMPL setting |
TOL_T | (control of time step size) error tolerance for computing the temperature using SDIRK2 method in EULERIMPL setting |
TOL_v | (control of time step size) error tolerance for computing the velocity using SDIRK2 method in EULERIMPL setting |
TRANSPORT_ODE_fct_evaluation | (experimental) switch for additional function evaluation within the implicit time integration scheme in EULERIMPL setting |
turn_down_BND_order | (chamberwise) parameter to automatically reduce the approximation order of a boundary point |
use_BubbleManagement | (chamberwise) switch regarding bubble analysis |
USER_curve_interpol_cache | turn on caching in USER_curve_interpol_3 |
V00_SmoothDivV | Chorin projection: smooth the local values of div(v) before going into the correction pressure computation (CV) |
VOLUME_correction | (chamberwise) parameter to correct volume by GLOBALLY adjusting the divergence of velocity term (CV) |
VOLUME_correction_FreeSurface | (chamberwise) parameter to correct volume by tiny global lifting of the free surface (CV) |
VOLUME_correction_local | (chamberwise) parameter to correct volume by LOCALLY adjusting the divergence of velocity term due to representative mass balance (CV) |
VOLUME_correction_ResetOnRestart | (experimental) resets the volume correction quantities of each chamber to the current values |
VP0_VelocityCorrection | invoke velocity correction based on correction pressure (%ind_c%) for vp- solver (CV) |
WallLayer | Turbulent wall layer thickness |
WARNINGS_BND_Integrate | flag controlling the warnings in BND_Integrate |
WARNINGS_USER_parse_IsConditionStringFulfilledByBE | flag controlling the warnings in USER_parse_IsConditionStringFulfilledByBE |
WARNINGS_USER_parse_IsConditionSubstringFulfilledByBE | flag controlling the warnings in USER_parse_IsConditionSubstringFulfilledByBE |
WhichIndexingMethod | |
WRITEOUTPUT_Level_Organize |