defines the simulation model: geometry, boundary conditions, material parameters, etc.
List of members: | |
__DEFAULT_configuration_file__ | allows to provide Ucv_DEFAULT.dat as a generalistic/default definition |
__GeneralRemarks__ | general remarks upon the syntax within UCV files |
__overview_of_syntax_elements__ | shows all possible syntax in USER_common_variables |
__Parameters__ | CV-parameters that can also be set in UCV |
AbaqusInterpolation | (not maintained) Abaqus mesh interpolation |
ACTIVE | defines active flags for boundary aliases |
ALIAS | alias definitions within a begin_alias-end_alias-block |
BoundaryConditions | definition of physical boundary conditions for boundary elements |
BoundaryElements | definition of the boundary elements to be used during simulation |
CLUSTER_ReducedProperties | for any clustering of the pointcloud, produce reduced (clusterwise) information such as cluster-volume etc. |
CODI | solve additional COnvection-DIffusion-problems (CODI) |
CODIV | pointwise solution of vector and matrix valued ODE |
ConsistencyChecksAtStartup | check the physical/mathematical consistency for user-given input data |
COUPLING | couple the running MESHFREE simulation to another, currently running simulation |
Curves | define curves in the input file |
DropletSource | generate a sequence of spherical droplets |
Equations | define functions, equations, and algebraic expressions |
EVENT | events defined for the point cloud |
IDENT | (experimental) defines ident flags for boundary aliases |
include_Ucv | include a file in UCV-format (UCV) |
INITDATA | prescribe initial data conditions |
INTEGRATION | integration of the simulation results |
KindOfProblem | Solver Selection for a simulation chamber |
Loops | loop over a block of lines in the input file |
MEMORIZE | memorize functionality |
MONITORPOINTS | monitor points due to user-defined conditions |
MOVE | move parts of the boundary by an explicit statement |
MPI_control | MPI_control |
NumericalControl | numerical control options |
ODE | solver for ordinary differential equations (ODE) |
PhysicalProperties | define physical properties of a material |
PointCloudQualityCheck | check the quality of a read in ASCII point cloud |
PointCloudReduction | select/mark MESHFREE points by reducing the point cloud |
ReadInPointCloud | read in an already existing point cloud from file |
ReferenceSolutions_1D | produce reference solutions in 1D |
RepeatCurrentTimeStep | repeat the current time step with different parameters or reduced pointcloud |
RESTART | control the restart functionality |
RIGIDBODY_TimeIntegrationDamping | Numerically damping of the time integration |
RIGIDBODY_TimeIntegrationPPI | Tichonov-regularization parameter for rigid bodies with links or intersections |
RIGIDBODY_TimeIntegrationVersion | choose time integration version (still experimental) |
SAVE | save computational results in different formats |
Selection | Switch/Case-type selection statement |
SmoothingLength | define the smoothing length by a set of commands |
Tables | define tables in the input file |
TemporarySwitch_InteriorToBoundary | for the current time step, temporarily define an interior point (%BND_none%) as a boundary point, and provide boundary conditions |
TimeControl | time control options |
TOUCH | (experimental) defines touch flags for boundary aliases |