List of members: | |
%ABAQUS_AVMidpointIntplNode% | |
%ABAQUS_AVMidpointShpdNode% | |
%ABAQUS_IntplMidpoint% | |
%ABAQUS_IntplNode% | |
%ABAQUS_ShpdMidpoint% | |
%ABAQUS_ShpdMidpointShpdNode% | |
%ABAQUS_ShpdNode% | |
%ACTIVE_always% | %ACTIVE_always% |
%ACTIVE_function% | %ACTIVE_function% |
%ACTIVE_init% | %ACTIVE_init% |
%ACTIVE_interval% | %ACTIVE_interval% |
%ACTIVE_nofill% | %ACTIVE_nofill% |
%ACTIVE_noinit% | %ACTIVE_noinit% |
%AND% | |
%BCON_CG% | |
%BCON_contact% | |
%BCON_E_tot% | |
%BCON_explicit% | |
%BCON_far_field% | |
%BCON_free% | |
%BCON_free_NoVisc% | |
%BCON_implicit% | |
%BCON_inflow% | |
%BCON_Ma% | |
%BCON_Mdot% | |
%BCON_none% | |
%BCON_outflow% | |
%BCON_p% | |
%BCON_p_tot% | |
%BCON_RG% | |
%BCON_rho% | |
%BCON_rho_va% | |
%BCON_rho_vb% | |
%BCON_rho_vn% | |
%BCON_s% | |
%BCON_s_ini% | |
%BCON_slip% | |
%BCON_T% | |
%BCON_T_tot% | |
%BCON_va% | |
%BCON_vb% | |
%BCON_Vdot% | |
%BCON_visc% | |
%BCON_vn% | |
%BCON_wall% | |
%BCON_wall_nosl% | |
%BND_arcl% | |
%BND_arcs% | |
%BND_blind% | |
%BND_BlindAndEmpty% | |
%BND_contact% | |
%BND_contact_Explicit% | |
%BND_contact_MRF% | |
%BND_corner% | |
%BND_count_BE% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%BND_count_NP% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%BND_cube% | |
%BND_cut% | cutting off points at metaplanes if used as IDENT |
%BND_cylinder% | |
%BND_disk% | |
%BND_edge% | |
%BND_far_field% | |
%BND_fixed% | |
%BND_free% | |
%BND_free_Barodesy% | |
%BND_free_HypoPlast% | |
%BND_free_implicit% | |
%BND_free_implicit_InContact% | |
%BND_free_implicit_InContact_Explicit% | |
%BND_free_InContact% | |
%BND_free_InContact_Explicit% | |
%BND_free_NoVisc% | |
%BND_IGES% | |
%BND_IGES_curve% | |
%BND_IGES_ignore% | |
%BND_IGES_surface% | |
%BND_IGES_trafo% | |
%BND_inflow% | |
%BND_line% | |
%BND_Manifold_Free% | |
%BND_Manifold_Interior% | |
%BND_Manifold_Slip% | |
%BND_node% | |
%BND_none% | |
%BND_outflow% | |
%BND_plane% | |
%BND_point% | |
%BND_quad% | |
%BND_slip% | |
%BND_slip_average% | |
%BND_slip_InContact% | |
%BND_slip_InContact_Explicit% | |
%BND_tria% | |
%BND_tria6N% | |
%BND_void% | |
%BND_wall% | |
%BND_wall_InContact% | |
%BND_wall_InContact_Explicit% | |
%BND_wall_NoLayerThickness% | |
%BND_wall_nosl% | |
%BNDpoints_ExtractFromNodes% | |
%BNDSLIP_ReprojectedAfterPassingOpenEdge% | mark state of slip movement of MESHFREE points along boundary |
%BNDSLIP_TearOffAtOpenEdge% | mark state of slip movement of MESHFREE points along boundary |
%BNDSLIP_TearOffAtRegularEdge% | mark state of slip movement of MESHFREE points along boundary |
%BOUNDARYFILLING_OnlyIfActiveItself% | |
%BOUNDARYFILLING_OnlyInActiveNeighborhood% | |
%BUBBLE_EQN_TruePressure% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CHAMBER_Euler% | |
%CHAMBER_EulerExpl% | |
%CHAMBER_IT_v00% | |
%CHAMBER_IT_vp0% | |
%CHAMBER_Lagrange% | |
%CHAMBER_LineUp% | |
%CHAMBER_NoLineUp% | |
%CHAMBER_None% | |
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_FLIQUID% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_ORGANIZE% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_TOTAL_FLIQUID% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_TOTAL_ORGANIZE% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_TOTAL_SAMG% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CLUSTER_ReducedProperties_MAX% | keyword for the functionality CLUSTER_ReducedProperties |
%CLUSTER_ReducedProperties_MIN% | keyword for the functionality CLUSTER_ReducedProperties |
%CLUSTER_ReducedProperties_SUM% | keyword for the functionality CLUSTER_ReducedProperties |
%CLUSTER_ReducedProperties_WAVG% | keyword for the functionality CLUSTER_ReducedProperties |
%CODI_BDF2% | second order BDF2 scheme for time integration of CODI |
%CODI_CrankNicolson% | second order Crank-Nicolson scheme for time integration of CODI |
%CODI_EULER_ONLY_UserDefinedVelocity% | |
%CODI_explicit% | explicit Euler for time integration of CODI |
%CODI_implicit% | implicit Euler for time integration of CODI |
%ConsistencyChecksAtStartup_STOP% | |
%ConsistencyChecksAtStartup_WARNING% | |
%CONSTRUCT_Area% | |
%CONSTRUCT_BoxMax% | |
%CONSTRUCT_BoxMidPoint% | |
%CONSTRUCT_BoxMidPoint_Abs% | |
%CONSTRUCT_BoxMin% | |
%CONSTRUCT_EstablishCurveVolumeVersusHeight% | |
%CONSTRUCT_IncludeIGESfaces% | provoke usage of IGES faces in CONSTRUCT statements |
%CONSTRUCT_Normal% | |
%CONSTRUCT_NormalDividedByArea% | |
%CONSTRUCT_PointBasedOnAbsoluteVolume% | |
%CONSTRUCT_PointBasedOnRelativeVolume% | |
%CONSTRUCT_Tangent1% | |
%CONSTRUCT_Tangent2% | |
%CONSTRUCT_Volume% | |
%CONSTRUCT_VolumeForGivenHeight% | |
%CONVERT_toInteger% | |
%COORDTRANS_cone% | |
%COORDTRANS_linear% | |
%COORDTRANS_radial% | |
%COORDTRANS_ring% | |
%COORDTRANS_spherical% | |
%CouplingBFT_OtherSimulation_IsFPM% | |
%CouplingBFT_RequestMyselfToWait% | |
%CouplingBFT_RequestOtherProcessToWait% | |
%CPU_STATISTICS_FLIQUID% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CPU_STATISTICS_ORGANIZE% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CPU_STATISTICS_TOTAL_FLIQUID% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CPU_STATISTICS_TOTAL_ORGANIZE% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%CUMU_SMOOTH_AreaBased% | |
%CUMU_SMOOTH_StopAtEdges% | |
%DIFFOP_gradient_DELAUNAY% | |
%DIFFOP_gradient_GASDYN% | |
%DIFFOP_gradient_MLS% | |
%DIFFOP_laplace_GASDYN% | |
%DIFFOP_laplace_LS% | |
%DIFFOP_laplace_MLS% | |
%DIFFOP_laplace_optimized% | |
%DIFFOP_laplace_simplex% | |
%DPLP_EnergyFactor% | keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions |
%DPLP_ForceDetachment% | keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions |
%DPLP_FrictionCoeff% | keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions |
%DPLP_LockedPointJustDetached% | keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions |
%DPLP_ModificationsUponCollision% | keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions |
%DPLP_ModificationsUponDetachment% | keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions |
%DPLP_ReflexionAngleDeviation% | keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions |
%DropletSource_doNotCreateDropletsOutside% | optional parameter for the DropletSource |
%DropletSource_Multiplicity% | optional parameter for the DropletSource |
%DropletSource_ParcelRate% | optional parameter for the DropletSource |
%DropletSource_ParcelSize% | optional parameter for the DropletSource |
%DropletSource_provideCounter% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%DropletSource_provideCurrentVolume% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%DropletSource_provideTargetVolume% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%DropletSource_triggerByPoints% | argument for DropletSource |
%ElapsedTimeIntegrationCycle% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%ElapsedTimePointOrganization% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%EQN_BEmap_ClosestPoint% | Map value of closest point on BE |
%EQN_BEmap_Shephard% | Map Shepard interpolation over points on BE |
%EQN_BEmap_Sum% | Map sum over points on BE |
%EQN_d% | abbreviation for %EQN_default% |
%EQN_default% | enforce default values for optional parameters in equations |
%EQN_JOINT_F(1)% | |
%EQN_JOINT_F(2)% | |
%EQN_JOINT_F(3)% | |
%EQN_JOINT_M(1)% | |
%EQN_JOINT_M(2)% | |
%EQN_JOINT_M(3)% | |
%EQN_JOINT_x(1)% | |
%EQN_JOINT_x(2)% | |
%EQN_JOINT_x(3)% | |
%EQN_KEPS_yStar% | argument of the Y()-function in the equation parser |
%EQN_locop_gapsize% | parameter for equation-function locop() |
%EQN_locop_lap% | parameter for equation-function locop() |
%EQN_locop_max% | parameter for equation-function locop() |
%EQN_locop_min% | parameter for equation-function locop() |
%EQN_locop_quality% | parameter for equation-function locop() |
%EQN_locop_sum% | parameter for equation-function locop() |
%EQN_nbsum_filtered% | Select filtered list |
%EQN_nbsum_nonfiltered% | Select non-filtered list |
%EQN_opDrPh_Diffusion% | parameter for equation-function opDrPh |
%EQN_opDrPh_Momentum% | parameter for equation-function opDrPh |
%EQN_Proj_ALL% | projection of a MESHFREE-entity from a different chamber using all types of points (interior and boundary) |
%EQN_Proj_BND% | projection of a MESHFREE-entity from a different chamber using only boundary points |
%EQN_Proj_INT% | projection of a MESHFREE-entity from a different chamber using only interior points |
%EQN_Reduct_Accumulated% | |
%EQN_Reduct_iCluster% | |
%EQN_SolidAngle% | argument of the Y()-function in the equation parser |
%EtaGrad_Classical% | |
%EtaGrad_Identity% | |
%EVENT_AbortFPM% | |
%EVENT_ChooseSaveEnvironment% | |
%EVENT_DataProjection% | |
%EVENT_DeletePoint% | |
%EVENT_DeleteResume% | |
%EVENT_FunctionManipulation% | |
%EVENT_Message% | |
%EVENT_Msg% | |
%EVENT_PerformAfterHowManyTimeCycles% | |
%EVENT_PublicTrigger% | |
%EVENT_SaveResults% | |
%EVENT_StopFPM% | |
%EVENT_WriteRestart% | |
%EVENT_WriteResume% | |
%FLIQUID_NbParticles% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%GASDYN_Mass% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%GASDYN_MassAnalytical% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%GASDYN_MassCorrection% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%GASDYN_TotalEnergy% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%GASDYN_TotalEnergyAnalytical% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%GASDYN_TotalEnergyCorrection% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%GEO_close% | |
%GEO_Inside% | |
%GEO_open% | |
%GEO_Outside% | |
%GEO_removeBasedOnCOG% | |
%GEO_removeBasedOnNodes% | |
%GEO_RemoveClusterByIndex% | |
%GEO_RemoveClusterClosestToGivenPoint% | |
%GEO_Tube% | |
%GEO_Vector% | |
%GradtEtaGrad_DerivedOperator%_ | |
%GradtEtaGrad_DirectApproximation% | |
%GradtEtaGrad_Identity% | |
%GradtEtaGrad_None% | |
%GradtEtaGrad_StarStencil% | |
%H_constant% | |
%H_linear% | |
%H_radial% | |
%H_ring% | |
%H_spherical% | |
%HEAT_EQ_1D_BC% | optional parameter for temperature boundary condition |
%IDENT_BlindAndEmpty% | BlindAndEmpty IDENT-identifier (CONST) |
%IDENT_cut% | cut IDENT identifier (CONST) |
%IDENT_free% | free surface IDENT identifier (CONST) |
%IDENT_inflow% | inflow IDENT identifier (CONST) |
%IDENT_locked% | State to mark points as locked in DROPLETPHASE |
%IDENT_none% | none IDENT identifier (CONST) |
%IDENT_outflow% | outflow IDENT identifier (CONST) |
%IDENT_slip% | slip IDENT identifier (CONST) |
%IDENT_void% | void IDENT identifier (CONST) |
%IDENT_wall% | wall IDENT identifier (CONST) |
%IDENT_wall_NoLayerThickness% | wall IDENT identifier ignoring dist_LayerThickness (CONST) |
%INTEGRATION_Comment% | comment/remark specifier for integration statements |
%INTEGRATION_FilterByTime% | |
%INTEGRATION_FilterByTimestepCounter% | |
%INTEGRATION_Header% | header information identifier for INTEGRATION |
%INTEGRATION_Percentile% | restrict integration/min/max to a selected percentile-subset regarding a given function |
%INTEGRATION_Remark% | comment/remark specifier for integration statements |
%INTEGRATION_SkipByTime% | |
%INTEGRATION_SkipByTimestepCounter% | |
%INTEGRATION_Values(1)% | deprecated |
%INTEGRATION_Values(2)% | deprecated |
%INTEGRATION_Values(3)% | deprecated |
%INTEGRATION_Values(4)% | deprecated |
%INTEGRATION_Values(5)% | deprecated |
%KeepUserValues% | |
%KineticEnergy% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%KineticEnergy_Defect_gradPv% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%KineticEnergy_Defect_O2% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%KineticEnergy_Defect_rhogDv% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%KineticEnergy_DifferenceInOrganize% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%KineticEnergy_DifferenceInOrganize2% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%KineticEnergy_DifferenceInTimeStep% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%KOP_trans_modification% | keyword for KOP_transition - function |
%MED_air% | |
%MED_foam% | |
%MED_fuel% | |
%MED_HOOK% | |
%MED_JOHNSON_COOK% | specifier for the Johnson Cook Stress flow stress model |
%MED_KAMRIN% | A generalized sand model based on the Kamrin paper |
%MED_none% | |
%MED_PUR% | |
%MED_USER_STRESS_TENSOR% | specifier for a user defined stress tensor |
%MED_VFT% | |
%MEM_STATISTICS_ALLOC% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%MEM_STATISTICS_AVAIL% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%MEMORIZE_AdditionalFunctionManipulation% | |
%MEMORIZE_Cycle% | |
%MEMORIZE_DeletePoint% | |
%MEMORIZE_KeepPoint% | |
%MEMORIZEDelete_NbParticles% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%MEMORIZEKeep_NbParticles% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%MONITOR_NbParticles% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%MONITORPOINTS_CREATION_PenetrationOfBlindAndEmptyBoundary% | |
%MOVE_bogen% | |
%MOVE_concat% | |
%MOVE_ElasticBeam% | |
%MOVE_foam% | |
%MOVE_InvokeDataCaching% | |
%MOVE_MassChangeRate% | |
%MOVE_MassSpringDashpot% | |
%MOVE_position% | |
%MOVE_ProjectionOfMovementOfAnotherPart% | |
%MOVE_ReducedModel% | |
%MOVE_rigid% | |
%MOVE_rigid_noinertia% | |
%MOVE_rotation% | |
%MOVE_TowardsPhaseBoundary% | |
%MOVE_translation% | |
%MOVE_TranslationRotation% | |
%MOVE_velocity% | |
%MOVE_vertuschka% | |
%MOVE_VirtualRotation% | |
%MOVE_VolumeChangeRate% | |
%MPI_NbProcesses% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%NumberTimeStepRestart% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%NumberTimeStepsExecuted% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%NumberTimeStepUCVread% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%OMP_NbProcesses% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%OR% | |
%ORGANIZE_ActivationDueToLackOfFreeSurface% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_CandidateForAtivation% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_CandidateForFreeSurface% | possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=1 |
%ORGANIZE_CreatedByShallowWater% | possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=10 |
%ORGANIZE_CreatedByTouchDownOfFreeSurface% | possible value for %ind_OrganizeDTB%, value=88 |
%ORGANIZE_DeactivationDueToLackOfInteriorParticles% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_ExplicitelyCheckedForActivation% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_HasCreatedMonitorPoint% | possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=9 |
%ORGANIZE_HasRunThroughActivationProcedure% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_INT2BND% | possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=67 |
%ORGANIZE_IsInGap% | possible value for %ind_OrganizeDTB%, value=77 |
%ORGANIZE_IsInNegativeGap% | possible value for %ind_OrganizeDTB%, value=-77 |
%ORGANIZE_IsIsolated% | possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=100 |
%ORGANIZE_IsNotActive% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_MaxReduction% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_MeanReduction% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_MinReduction% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_NbParticles% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%ORGANIZE_none% | possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=0 |
%ORGANIZE_WasCreatedNearMetaplanes% | possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=6 |
%ORGANIZE_WasNotConsideredForActivation% | possible value for %ind_Organize% |
%ORGANIZE_WasPushedBackFromBoundary% | possible value for %ind_OrganizeDTB%, value=8 |
%ORGANIZE_WasPushedToFreeSurface% | possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=5 |
%ORGANIZE_WasPushedToFreeSurface0% | possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=3 |
%OverwriteUserValues% | |
%PBE_Gaussian_OPMSP% | |
%PBE_Gaussian_OPMSP_diff% | |
%PCRefinementActive% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%PointCloudReduction_UseOldTimeStep% | comment/remark specifier for integration statements |
%POSTBND_MOMint% | |
%POSTBND_VOLint% | |
%PUBLICVALUE_CLOCKstatistics% | |
%PUBLICVALUE_CPUstatistics% | |
%PUBLICVALUE_xValueOfBNDpoint% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%PUBLICVALUE_yValueOfBNDpoint% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%PUBLICVALUE_zValueOfBNDpoint% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RealTimeSimulation% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RECONST_ArithmeticMean% | |
%RECONST_GeometricMean% | |
%RECONST_HarmonicMean% | |
%RECONST_HermiteInterpolation% | |
%RECONST_SkewTaylor% | |
%RECONST_Taylor% | |
%RepeatCurrentTimeStep_BasedOnReducedPointCloud% | |
%RepeatCurrentTimeStep_BasedOnSamePointCloud% | |
%RepMass_AddedByFreeSurfaceMOVE% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RepMass_CreatedByDropletSource% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RepMass_CreatedByInflowOutflow% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RepMass_CreatedByMEMORIZERead% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RepMass_DeletedAtMetaplanes% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RepMass_DeletedByEvent% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RepMass_DeletedByMEMORIZEWrite% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RepMass_DeletionByIsolatedPoints% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%RESTART_sequence% | |
%RESTART_single% | |
%RFA_bisect% | Bisection algorithm |
%RFA_secant% | Secant method |
%SAVE_scalar% | |
%SAVE_vector% | |
%SPM_CompressedRowFormat% | |
%SurfaceTriangulation_NbStencil% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%TAUW_Classical% | stationary condition on turbulent wall layer |
%TAUW_PressureDependent% | pressure dependent condition on turbulent wall layer |
%TAUW_TurbulentLayerThickness% | identifier for the definition of the turbulent wall layer thickness |
%TIME_InitTime% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%TIME_StartTime% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%TIME_StepStartTime% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%TIME_StepWallTime% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%TIME_WallTime% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%TimeStepSizeSimulation% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%TOUCH_always% | |
%TOUCH_always_force% | |
%TOUCH_geometrical% | |
%TOUCH_liquid% | |
%TOUCH_never% | |
%TOUCH_reflection% | |
%TOUCH_solid% | |
%USER_h_max% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%USER_h_min% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VMEM_STATISTICS_ALLOC% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VMEM_STATISTICS_AVAIL% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VOLUME_ACTUAL% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VOLUME_AddedByFreeSurfaceMOVE% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VOLUME_AddedByMEMORIZERead% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VOLUME_DeletedAtMetaplanes% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VOLUME_DeletedByEvent% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VOLUME_DeletedByMEMORIZEWrite% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VOLUME_DeletionByIsolatedPoints% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |
%VOLUME_TARGET% | parameter for the real()-function (equation parser) |