
typical %...%-constants that can be used in the input files

On this site, a collection of all %...%-keywords are updated, which may be used within the MESHFREE-input files. The %...%-keywords are given in alphabetical order. By clicking on one of the items, one finds a list of links, where the given keyword appears in one or the other way. As the documentation is dynamically growing and developing, the links to the given keywords will grow appropriately, which might help navigating the documentation. See also __Indices__ .
List of members:
%ACTIVE_always% %ACTIVE_always%
%ACTIVE_function% %ACTIVE_function%
%ACTIVE_init% %ACTIVE_init%
%ACTIVE_interval% %ACTIVE_interval%
%ACTIVE_nofill% %ACTIVE_nofill%
%ACTIVE_noinit% %ACTIVE_noinit%
%BND_count_BE% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%BND_count_NP% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%BND_cut% cutting off points at metaplanes if used as IDENT
%BNDSLIP_ReprojectedAfterPassingOpenEdge% mark state of slip movement of MESHFREE points along boundary
%BNDSLIP_TearOffAtOpenEdge% mark state of slip movement of MESHFREE points along boundary
%BNDSLIP_TearOffAtRegularEdge% mark state of slip movement of MESHFREE points along boundary
%BUBBLE_EQN_TruePressure% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_FLIQUID% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_ORGANIZE% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_TOTAL_FLIQUID% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_TOTAL_ORGANIZE% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_TOTAL_SAMG% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%CLUSTER_ReducedProperties_MAX% keyword for the functionality CLUSTER_ReducedProperties
%CLUSTER_ReducedProperties_MIN% keyword for the functionality CLUSTER_ReducedProperties
%CLUSTER_ReducedProperties_SUM% keyword for the functionality CLUSTER_ReducedProperties
%CLUSTER_ReducedProperties_WAVG% keyword for the functionality CLUSTER_ReducedProperties
%CODI_BDF2% second order BDF2 scheme for time integration of CODI
%CODI_CrankNicolson% second order Crank-Nicolson scheme for time integration of CODI
%CODI_explicit% explicit Euler for time integration of CODI
%CODI_implicit% implicit Euler for time integration of CODI
%CONSTRUCT_IncludeIGESfaces% provoke usage of IGES faces in CONSTRUCT statements
%CPU_STATISTICS_FLIQUID% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%CPU_STATISTICS_ORGANIZE% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%CPU_STATISTICS_TOTAL_FLIQUID% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%CPU_STATISTICS_TOTAL_ORGANIZE% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%DPLP_EnergyFactor% keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions
%DPLP_ForceDetachment% keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions
%DPLP_FrictionCoeff% keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions
%DPLP_LockedPointJustDetached% keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions
%DPLP_ModificationsUponCollision% keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions
%DPLP_ModificationsUponDetachment% keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions
%DPLP_ReflexionAngleDeviation% keyword for DROPLETPHASE_LockedPoints - functions
%DropletSource_doNotCreateDropletsOutside% optional parameter for the DropletSource
%DropletSource_Multiplicity% optional parameter for the DropletSource
%DropletSource_ParcelRate% optional parameter for the DropletSource
%DropletSource_ParcelSize% optional parameter for the DropletSource
%DropletSource_provideCounter% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%DropletSource_provideCurrentVolume% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%DropletSource_provideTargetVolume% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%DropletSource_triggerByPoints% argument for DropletSource
%ElapsedTimeIntegrationCycle% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%ElapsedTimePointOrganization% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%EQN_BEmap_ClosestPoint% Map value of closest point on BE
%EQN_BEmap_Shephard% Map Shepard interpolation over points on BE
%EQN_BEmap_Sum% Map sum over points on BE
%EQN_d% abbreviation for %EQN_default%
%EQN_default% enforce default values for optional parameters in equations
%EQN_KEPS_yStar% argument of the Y()-function in the equation parser
%EQN_locop_gapsize% parameter for equation-function locop()
%EQN_locop_lap% parameter for equation-function locop()
%EQN_locop_max% parameter for equation-function locop()
%EQN_locop_min% parameter for equation-function locop()
%EQN_locop_quality% parameter for equation-function locop()
%EQN_locop_sum% parameter for equation-function locop()
%EQN_nbsum_filtered% Select filtered list
%EQN_nbsum_nonfiltered% Select non-filtered list
%EQN_opDrPh_Diffusion% parameter for equation-function opDrPh
%EQN_opDrPh_Momentum% parameter for equation-function opDrPh
%EQN_Proj_ALL% projection of a MESHFREE-entity from a different chamber using all types of points (interior and boundary)
%EQN_Proj_BND% projection of a MESHFREE-entity from a different chamber using only boundary points
%EQN_Proj_INT% projection of a MESHFREE-entity from a different chamber using only interior points
%EQN_SolidAngle% argument of the Y()-function in the equation parser
%FLIQUID_NbParticles% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%GASDYN_Mass% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%GASDYN_MassAnalytical% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%GASDYN_MassCorrection% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%GASDYN_TotalEnergy% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%GASDYN_TotalEnergyAnalytical% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%GASDYN_TotalEnergyCorrection% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%HEAT_EQ_1D_BC% optional parameter for temperature boundary condition
%IDENT_BlindAndEmpty% BlindAndEmpty IDENT-identifier (CONST)
%IDENT_cut% cut IDENT identifier (CONST)
%IDENT_free% free surface IDENT identifier (CONST)
%IDENT_inflow% inflow IDENT identifier (CONST)
%IDENT_locked% State to mark points as locked in DROPLETPHASE
%IDENT_none% none IDENT identifier (CONST)
%IDENT_outflow% outflow IDENT identifier (CONST)
%IDENT_slip% slip IDENT identifier (CONST)
%IDENT_void% void IDENT identifier (CONST)
%IDENT_wall% wall IDENT identifier (CONST)
%IDENT_wall_NoLayerThickness% wall IDENT identifier ignoring dist_LayerThickness (CONST)
%INTEGRATION_Comment% comment/remark specifier for integration statements
%INTEGRATION_Header% header information identifier for INTEGRATION
%INTEGRATION_Percentile% restrict integration/min/max to a selected percentile-subset regarding a given function
%INTEGRATION_Remark% comment/remark specifier for integration statements
%INTEGRATION_Values(1)% deprecated
%INTEGRATION_Values(2)% deprecated
%INTEGRATION_Values(3)% deprecated
%INTEGRATION_Values(4)% deprecated
%INTEGRATION_Values(5)% deprecated
%KineticEnergy% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%KineticEnergy_Defect_gradPv% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%KineticEnergy_Defect_O2% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%KineticEnergy_Defect_rhogDv% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%KineticEnergy_DifferenceInOrganize% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%KineticEnergy_DifferenceInOrganize2% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%KineticEnergy_DifferenceInTimeStep% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%KOP_trans_modification% keyword for KOP_transition - function
%MED_JOHNSON_COOK% specifier for the Johnson Cook Stress flow stress model
%MED_KAMRIN% A generalized sand model based on the Kamrin paper
%MED_USER_STRESS_TENSOR% specifier for a user defined stress tensor
%MEM_STATISTICS_ALLOC% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%MEM_STATISTICS_AVAIL% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%MEMORIZEDelete_NbParticles% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%MEMORIZEKeep_NbParticles% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%MONITOR_NbParticles% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%MPI_NbProcesses% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%NumberTimeStepRestart% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%NumberTimeStepsExecuted% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%NumberTimeStepUCVread% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%OMP_NbProcesses% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%ORGANIZE_ActivationDueToLackOfFreeSurface% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_CandidateForAtivation% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_CandidateForFreeSurface% possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=1
%ORGANIZE_CreatedByShallowWater% possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=10
%ORGANIZE_CreatedByTouchDownOfFreeSurface% possible value for %ind_OrganizeDTB%, value=88
%ORGANIZE_DeactivationDueToLackOfInteriorParticles% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_ExplicitelyCheckedForActivation% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_HasCreatedMonitorPoint% possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=9
%ORGANIZE_HasRunThroughActivationProcedure% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_INT2BND% possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=67
%ORGANIZE_IsInGap% possible value for %ind_OrganizeDTB%, value=77
%ORGANIZE_IsInNegativeGap% possible value for %ind_OrganizeDTB%, value=-77
%ORGANIZE_IsIsolated% possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=100
%ORGANIZE_IsNotActive% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_MaxReduction% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_MeanReduction% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_MinReduction% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_NbParticles% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%ORGANIZE_none% possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=0
%ORGANIZE_WasCreatedNearMetaplanes% possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=6
%ORGANIZE_WasNotConsideredForActivation% possible value for %ind_Organize%
%ORGANIZE_WasPushedBackFromBoundary% possible value for %ind_OrganizeDTB%, value=8
%ORGANIZE_WasPushedToFreeSurface% possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=5
%ORGANIZE_WasPushedToFreeSurface0% possible value for %ind_Organize%, value=3
%PCRefinementActive% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%PointCloudReduction_UseOldTimeStep% comment/remark specifier for integration statements
%PUBLICVALUE_xValueOfBNDpoint% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%PUBLICVALUE_yValueOfBNDpoint% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%PUBLICVALUE_zValueOfBNDpoint% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RealTimeSimulation% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RepMass_AddedByFreeSurfaceMOVE% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RepMass_CreatedByDropletSource% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RepMass_CreatedByInflowOutflow% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RepMass_CreatedByMEMORIZERead% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RepMass_DeletedAtMetaplanes% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RepMass_DeletedByEvent% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RepMass_DeletedByMEMORIZEWrite% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RepMass_DeletionByIsolatedPoints% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%RFA_bisect% Bisection algorithm
%RFA_secant% Secant method
%SurfaceTriangulation_NbStencil% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%TAUW_Classical% stationary condition on turbulent wall layer
%TAUW_PressureDependent% pressure dependent condition on turbulent wall layer
%TAUW_TurbulentLayerThickness% identifier for the definition of the turbulent wall layer thickness
%TIME_InitTime% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%TIME_StartTime% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%TIME_StepStartTime% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%TIME_StepWallTime% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%TIME_WallTime% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%TimeStepSizeSimulation% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%USER_h_max% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%USER_h_min% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VMEM_STATISTICS_ALLOC% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VMEM_STATISTICS_AVAIL% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VOLUME_ACTUAL% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VOLUME_AddedByFreeSurfaceMOVE% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VOLUME_AddedByMEMORIZERead% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VOLUME_DeletedAtMetaplanes% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VOLUME_DeletedByEvent% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VOLUME_DeletedByMEMORIZEWrite% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VOLUME_DeletionByIsolatedPoints% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)
%VOLUME_TARGET% parameter for the real()-function (equation parser)