CV-parameters that can also be set in UCV
Some CV-parameters (see common_variables) can also be set in USER_common_variables (UCV). The UCV-definition is dominant and overwrites the CV-definition (see warnings file in the simulation folder).
Some of these parameters can be set chamberwise, which can be necessary for multi-phase simulations. If such a parameter is not set for specific chambers, it is automatically set according to the non-chamberwise definition for all chambers.
List of members: | |
BEmap_CosNormalAngle | Cosine of maximum angle between normals in BE_MAP (UCV) |
BEmap_DefaultValue | Default value of BE_MAP (UCV) |
BEmap_PointFilter_Version | Point filter version of BE_MAP (UCV) |
BUBBLE_DoTheManagement | (chamberwise) switch regarding bubble analysis (UCV) |
BUBBLE_EnforceAveragePressure | fix average pressure for all bubbles (UCV) |
BUBBLE_pOffset | define offset pressure for bubble pressure-on-volume analysis (UCV) |
COEFF_dt | (chamberwise) factor for computation of time step size (UCV) |
COEFF_dt_coll | time step criterion from interaction model (DROPLETPHASE only) (UCV) |
COEFF_dt_d30 | time step criterion depending on %ind_d30% (DROPLETPHASE only) (UCV) |
COEFF_dt_Darcy | define the virtual time step size for applications with Darcy (Brinkman) term (UCV) |
COEFF_dt_free | (experimental) factor for exaggerated movement of the free surface (UCV) |
COEFF_dt_SurfaceTension_A | time step criterion for surface tension, parameter A (UCV) |
COEFF_dt_SurfaceTension_B | time step criterion for surface tension, parameter B (UCV) |
COEFF_dt_SurfaceTension_C | (experimental) time step criterion for surface tension, parameter C (UCV) |
COEFF_dt_virt | (chamberwise) scaling factor for the virtual time step size (UCV) |
COEFF_mue | scaling factor for numerical viscosity (UCV) |
COMP_CosEdgeAngle | (chamberwise) parameter to identify edges in geometry (UCV) |
COMP_DoOrganizeOnlyAfterHowManyCycles | do the point cloud organization only after how many time cycles (UCV) |
COMP_DropletphaseSubcycles | switch for DROPLETPHASE subcycling (UCV) |
COMP_DropletphaseWithDisturbance | disturbance for DROPLETPHASE (UCV) |
COMP_dt_indep | parameter to switch on independent time stepping for two-phase LIQUID simulations with v-- and vp- (UCV) |
COMP_facSmooth_Eta | parameter for weight kernel definition for smoothing of viscosity and density(UCV) |
COMP_IsolatedParticles_MinNbOfInteriorNeigh | (chamberwise) parameter for the minimum number of interior neighbors a points should have |
COMP_IsolatedParticles_MinNbOfNeigh | (chamberwise) parameter for the minimum number of (total) neighbors a points should have |
COMP_nbSmooth_Eta | number of smoothing cycles for effective, total viscosity and smoothed density (UCV) |
COMP_RemeshBoundary | parameter to control remeshing of IGES-files (UCV) |
COMP_TypeSmooth_Eta | type for smoothing of viscosity (UCV) |
COMP_TypeSmooth_Rho | type for smoothing of density (UCV) |
compute_FS | (chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (UCV) |
compute_FS_InitialFilling | (Chamberwise) flag to compute free surfaces during initial filling |
compute_phase_boundary | (obsolete) invoke detection of interface connections (UCV) |
CONTROL_StopAfterReadingGeometry | stops the MESHFREE program after geometry is read (UCV) |
damping_p_corr | (chamberwise) parameter to reduce the dynamic pressure as initial guess for the next time level (UCV) |
DIFFOP_ConsistentGradient | consistent gradient in the sense d/dn = n*grad (UCV) |
DIFFOP_kernel_Gradient | (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for gradients (UCV) |
DIFFOP_kernel_Laplace | (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for the Laplacian (UCV) |
DIFFOP_kernel_Neumann | (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for Neumann operators (UCV) |
DIFFOP_kernel_Transport | (chamberwise) factor for the weight kernel for the least squares approximation stencils for the transport operators (UCV) |
DIFFOP_laplace | type of least squares approximation stencils for the Laplacian (UCV) |
DIFFOP_Neumann_ExcludeBND | (chamberwise) parameter to exclude boundary points from the neighborhood for the computation of the Neumann operators (UCV) |
DIFFOP_WeightReductionInCaseOfDeactivation | (chamberwise) parameter to reduce the weight of a neighbor point in case of deactivation (UCV) |
dist_parceling | (experimental / Under development) Maximum relative distance to initiate parceling (UCVO) |
dist_parceling_FreeFlight | (experimental / Under development) Maximum relative distance to initiate parceling in free flight (UCVO) |
DP_UseOnlyRepulsiveContactForce | switch regarding attractive forces in spring-damper model (UCV) |
DROPLETPHASE_MaxEquivalentParcelDiameter | Limiting maximum equivalent parcel diameter for parceling in DROPLETPHASE (UCVO) |
DROPLETPHASE_MaxNeighboursForDeParceling | Limiting number of neigbors to trigger declustering in DROPLETPHASE (UCVO) |
DROPLETPHASE_MaxRelativeParcelVelocity | Limiting maximum relative parcel velocity for parceling in DROPLETPHASE (UCVO) |
DROPLETPHASE_MinNeighboursForParceling | Limiting number of neigbors to trigger clustering in DROPLETPHASE (UCVO) |
DROPLETPHASE_nbTSforParceling | Number of time steps after which parceling will be done (UCV) |
DROPLETPHASE_SubcyclingMPICommunication | switch for MPI communication within each cycle of subcycling in DROPLETPHASE (UCV) |
DROPLETPHASE_SubcyclingReadGravity | switch for updating gravity within each cycle of subcycling in DROPLETPHASE (UCV) |
eps_p | precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of pressure (UCV) |
eps_phyd | precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of hydrostatic pressure (UCV) |
eps_T | precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of temperature (UCV) |
eps_v | precision in the breaking criterion for the linear systems of velocity (UCV) |
FLIQUID_ConsistentPressure_Version | version how to compute the consistent pressure (UCV) |
FOFTLIQUID_AdditionalCorrectionLoops | additional velocity correction loops (UCV) |
IGES_Accuracy | relative accuracy for consistency checks of IGES-faces (UCV) |
IGES_HealCorruptFaces | allow a certain depth of healing triangulation of IGES faces by refinement (UCV) |
LINEQN_scaling | choose the way how to scale/normalize the linear systems (UCV) |
LINEQN_solver | linear solver to be used for the coupled vp- or v-- system (UCV) |
LINEQN_solver_ScalarSystems | linear solver to be used for the scalar systems like pressure, temperature, etc. (UCV) |
max_N_stencil | maximum number of neighbor points accepted for stencil computation and numerics (UCV) |
MEMORIZE_ResetReadFlag | reset frequency for MEMORIZE_Read flag (UCV) |
nb_TStoRescueInvalidBubbles | Number of time steps an invalid bubble should be kept |
ord_eval | define approximation order for refill points (UCV) |
ord_gradient | (chamberwise) approximation order of the gradient operators (UCV) |
ord_laplace | define approximation order of the Laplace operators (UCV) |
PHASE_distinction | invoke detection of interface connections (UCV) |
PointDsplMethod | (experimental) Choice among different ways to move points in Lagrangian framework (UCV) |
radius_hole | relative allowed hole size (UCV) |
rel_dist_bound | relative distance of neighboring points at boundaries (UCV) |
RepairGeometry | enforce clustering of geometry nodes upon read-in (UCV) |
RepresentativeMass_iData | (chamberwise) parameter for the RepresentativeMass algorithm (UCV) |
restartnewBE_filling | (chamberwise) parameter to control filling of new boundary elements upon restart (UCV) |
restartnewBE_PossibleGeometryIntersection | (chamberwise) parameter to control additional checks during filling of new points after restart with new boundary elements (UCV) |
RIGIDBODY_ForceToApplyOnBody_BE | Applies a force and a corresponding moment on the rigidbodies based on userdefined BE functions |
RIGIDBODY_ForceToApplyOnBody_PC | Applies a force and a corresponding moment on the rigidbodies based on pressure values prescribed using the point cloud |
RIGIDBODY_pressureToApplyOnBody | Applies user given pressure values to the surface of a body in order to provide indvidual option to stabilize the running simulation |
RIGIDBODY_UseCollisionModel | switch on the collision model for rigid bodies (rigid-wall and rigid-rigid) |
SAMG_Setupreuse | accelerates SAMG solver for quasi-stationary point clouds (UCV) |
SAVE_atEndOfTimestep | choose to save data for visualization at the end of time steps instead of at the start (UCVO) |
SAVE_DefaultAttributesForBE | choose default attributes for BE data to save (UCV) |
SAVE_PrecisionTimestepFile | choose the precision (number of digits) for values in the timestep file (UCV) |
SCAN_ClustersOfConnectivity | (chamberwise) switch on cluster checking of MESHFREE point cloud by neighborhood connectivity (UCV) |
SimCut | (chamberwise) parameter to stop filling of geometry by MESHFREE points after a certain number of filling cycles (UCV) |
SimCutBoundary | (chamberwise) parameter to stop filling of boundary by MESHFREE points after a certain number of filling cycles (UCV) |
STRESSTENSOR_Variante | version of stress tensor time integration (UCV) |
STRESSTENSOR_Variante_Factor | factor in stress tensor time integration with respect to the shear modulus (UCV) |
TimestepFile_HeaderType | parameter determines if header of INTEGRATION statements is stored in first line of .timestep files or in separate .timestep.header files (UCV) |
V00_SmoothDivV | Chorin projection: smooth the local values of div(v) before going into the correction pressure computation (UCV) |
VOLUME_correction | (chamberwise) parameter to correct volume by GLOBALLY adjusting the divergence of velocity term (UCV) |
VOLUME_correction_FreeSurface | (chamberwise) parameter to correct volume by tiny global lifting of the free surface (UCV) |
VOLUME_correction_local | (chamberwise) parameter to correct volume by LOCALLY adjusting the divergence of velocity term due to representative mass balance (UCV) |
VP0_VelocityCorrection | (chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (UCV) |