
basic concepts and general workflow of MESHFREE

We recommend working through the following sections step by step. Further helpful information can be found in the FAQ.


The following questions regarding MESHFREE are answered in 01_OverviewOfMESHFREE.pdf:

  • WHO is behind it?
  • WHY no mesh?
  • WHAT can it do?
  • HOW to access it?


Details on the geometrical and mathematical modeling inside MESHFREE are presented in 02_TheoryOfMESHFREE.pdf.


The general workflow of MESHFREE is described in 03_WorkflowOfMESHFREE.pdf:

  • Preparation of surface mesh of geometry
  • Setup of input files
  • Execution of simulation
  • Analysis of simulation results
  • Trouble-shooting

Training Setup

In the document 04_TrainingSetup.pdf, a single-phase flow in a fixed pipe is set up. Thereby, commands are explained and added successively in the main input file USER_common_variables.dat (replacing the definitions in the provided Ucv_DEFAULT.dat):

  • Exercise I - read-in of geometry including scaling, geometry alias for no-slip wall
  • Exercise II - geometry aliases for inflow and outflow, solver parameters and time control
  • Exercise III - general saving parameters and save items
  • Exercise IV - equations and curves, point cloud definition and alias variables
  • Exercise V - spherical point cloud refinement, radial point cloud refinement
  • Exercise VI - "open" outflow, half-filled pipe, free inflow
  • Exercise VII - movement of inflow

Please download the folder TrainingSetup. It contains the input files (USER_common_variables.dat, common_variables.dat, Ucv_DEFAULT.dat) and the geometry (pipe.msh). Furthermore, the standard solutions for the different exercises (UCV_StandardSolution_Exercise...) are also available there for reference.

Helpful tips and links to the appropriate sections in the documentation or the corresponding standard solutions are included in the document (Adobe Reader recommended):

Here should be a picture
Here should be a picture
Here should be a picture


MESHFREE can be executed either standalone or in MPI mode. For details, see InstallationGuide.


While the simulation is running, you can already take a first glance at the transient results. To view and analyze the results, we recommend downloading and installing ParaView. A brief introduction to ParaView as well as useful features for analyzing MESHFREE results can be found in 10_ParaviewForMESHFREE.pdf as well as Postprocessing.

Figure 1 shows an example of a visualization with ParaView. This can be achieved by adapting the paths to the result files in the state file '' and, subsequently, loading it in ParaView.

Here should be a picture
Figure 1: Visualization with ParaView.

Note: Upon loading the state file, the notation of the file names in the Pipeline Browser of ParaView will change to EnSightReader1 and EnSightReader2.

Furthermore, the specified integrated simulation results (see INTEGRATION for details) can be analyzed, e.g. with the help of GNU Octave, gnuplot, or any spreadsheet (MS Excel). A reusable shell script plotting the TimestepFile data can be found in 11_GnuplotForMeshfree.pdf.

If you encounter any problems, please contact our Support team.