Online Documentation for MESHFREE

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General information

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The original method is called Finite Pointset Method (FPM) and is an originary development of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM. The software MESHFREE couples FPM and the algebraic multigrid method implemented in SAMG, an originary development of the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI.

FPM is the deprecated name of the numerical simulation idea, publications of which can be found for example in Now and the in future, we prefer the name Generalized Finite Difference Method (GFDM), as this states exactly the character of the method and avoids confusion with other ideas, also abbreviated as FPM.

Note that FPM is still the name of several commercial software-instances outside of ITWM, putting the original FPM-ideas into practice.

How to use MESHFREE

List of members:
Co-Simulation Co-Simulation
Download Download executables and dependencies
FAQ overview of frequently asked questions and hints for solution
GettingStarted first steps with MESHFREE
InputFiles Input files used for steering MESHFREE
Releases Information on the MESHFREE releases
RunTimeTools tools regarding the run time
Solvers Overview of numerical and geometrical algorithms used in MESHFREE
Support How to contact the Support Team