CLOCK time measured for the execution of the (pure) MESHFREE numerics at the current time step
The CLOCK time for the execution of the pure
MESHFREE numerics (no
MESHFREE organization) is measured at the current time step.
- 1 (per MESHFREE point average CLOCK time over all MPI processes)
- 2 (number of MPI processes times MINIMUM CLOCK time elapsed at some MPI process, divided by the global number of MESHFREE points)
- 3 (number of MPI processes times MAXIMUM CLOCK time elapsed at some MPI process, divided by the global number of MESHFREE points)
- 4 (summation of CLOCK time over all MPI processes)
- 5 (number of MPI processes times MINIMUM CLOCK time elapsed at some MPI process)
- 6 (number of MPI processes times MAXIMUM CLOCK time elapsed at some MPI process)