This item is referenced in: | |
FAQ | overview of frequently asked questions and hints for solution |
tut3d_01 | TUTORIAL 1: flow in a simple tube |
tut3d_10 | TUTORIAL 10: simple rolling process |
ChannelWithFilter | Coupled simulation of droplets and air in a channel with filter |
WaterSand | A jet of water and sand hits a plate |
USER_common_variables | simple box driving through a channel of water: USER_common_variables.dat |
Ucv_SinglePoolWithBox | simple box driving through a channel of water: Ucv_SinglePoolWithBox.dat |
LiquidLayerExample | Droplets forming a liquid layer on a plate |
__Indices__ | MESHFREE indices for simulation entities |
%ind_CV% | specific heat capacity (at constant volume), unit: J/(kg*K) |
General | MESHFREE indices for general simulation entities |
%ind_EdgeValue% | pointcloud configuration without interior points: this item marks points at the edge of such configurations |
%ind_Vi% | volume represented by a point, unit=m^3 |
%ind_CV% | specific heat capacity (at constant volume), unit: J/(kg*K) |
COMP_EtaGrad_Version | define the way of numerically modeling the property-times-gradient operator |
DEBUG_GeneralParameter | General list of debug parameters at the developers disposal |
MASS_correction_DivergenceVelocity | Mass Correction for weakly compressible flow problems |
nb_TStoRescueInvalidBubbles | Number of time steps an invalid bubble should be kept |
pure_TRANSPORT | (experimental) choice of spatial discretization scheme for transport terms in EULERIMPL and EULEREXPL setting |
COEFF_dt_Darcy | define the virtual time step size for applications with Darcy (Brinkman) term (UCV) |
COMP_DropletphaseSubcycles | switch for DROPLETPHASE subcycling (UCV) |
COMP_dt_indep | parameter to switch on independent time stepping for two-phase LIQUID simulations with v-- and vp- (UCV) |
damping_p_corr | (chamberwise) parameter to reduce the dynamic pressure as initial guess for the next time level (UCV) |
nb_TStoRescueInvalidBubbles | Number of time steps an invalid bubble should be kept |
CHAMBER | (required) define the chamber index for the geometry entities |
IDENT | (required) how to handle the geometry part during point cloud organization |
%IDENT_none% | inactive BE (IDENT) |
%IDENT_BlindAndEmpty% | invisible flux measurement BE (IDENT) |
%IDENT_wall% | non-moving wall points BE (IDENT) |
%IDENT_slip% | movable wall points BE (IDENT) |
%IDENT_inflow% | inflow BE (IDENT) |
%IDENT_outflow% | outflow BE (IDENT) |
%IDENT_free% | free surface BE (IDENT) |
LIQUID__BC__ | definition of physical boundary conditions for LIQUID solver |
%BND_none% | treat the boundary point as if it would be an interior point |
CODI_Integration | Time integration options for COnvection-DIffusion-problems (CODI) |
BasedOnVolumeFlux | generate a sequence of spherical droplets based on user defined volume flux |
KindOfProblem | Solver Selection for a simulation chamber |
Solvers | Select the solver base on a physical model |
EULERIMPL | Higher order implicit Eulerian or ALE motion (recommended among the Euler implementations) |
TimeIntegration | Order of time integration |
IntegrationType | Numerical Scheme used for time integration |
cv | specific heat of the material in J/(kg*K) |
ForchheimerConstant | coupling parameter for porous media [kg/m^4] |
ReadInPointCloud | read in an already existing point cloud from file |
EnSight | read in already existing point cloud from EnSight format |
SAVE_format | format to save simulation data |
USER_h_PC_refinement | Number of pointcloud refinement steps performed before start |
Beta | Latest release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables |
All | Complete release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables |
Stable | Release notes for the MESHFREE stable executables |
NamesOfStopWatches | currently implemented stop watches |
Numerics | PDE to be solved and the meshfree algorithms to solve the PDE |
DROPLETPHASE | Explicit solver for droplets which may interact and collect as water films along boundaries |
TimeStepCriteria | DROPLETPHASE - Time step criteria |
LiquidLayer | DROPLETPHASE - Modeling of liquid layers |
DropletCollisions | DROPLETPHASE - Modeling of collisions between droplets |
KepsilonAlgorithm | turbulence modeling using the k-epsilon model |
v-- | segregated, directly incompressible solver |
vp- | directly incompressible, implicit solver with penalty formulation |
SHALLOWWATER | Solver for shallow water equations |