Implicit solver for incompressible and weakly compressible flow phenomena

The most advanced solver in the complete MESHFREE framework. It can handle incompressible or weakly compressible flow phenomena, i.e. the solver accepts density formulations that might depend on time, pressure, and all other parameters needed.
List of members:
Algorithms General collection of numerical algorithms used in MESHFREE
EquationsToSolve differential equations to be solved by MESHFREE
Scheme Scheme
This item is referenced in:
FAQ overview of frequently asked questions and hints for solution
tut3d_01 TUTORIAL 1: flow in a simple tube
tut3d_10 TUTORIAL 10: simple rolling process
ChannelWithFilter Coupled simulation of droplets and air in a channel with filter
WaterSand A jet of water and sand hits a plate
USER_common_variables simple box driving through a channel of water: USER_common_variables.dat
Ucv_SinglePoolWithBox simple box driving through a channel of water: Ucv_SinglePoolWithBox.dat
LiquidLayerExample Droplets forming a liquid layer on a plate
__Indices__ MESHFREE indices for simulation entities
%ind_CV% specific heat capacity (at constant volume), unit: J/(kg*K)
General MESHFREE indices for general simulation entities
%ind_EdgeValue% pointcloud configuration without interior points: this item marks points at the edge of such configurations
%ind_Vi% volume represented by a point, unit=m^3
%ind_CV% specific heat capacity (at constant volume), unit: J/(kg*K)
COMP_EtaGrad_Version define the way of numerically modeling the property-times-gradient operator
DEBUG_GeneralParameter General list of debug parameters at the developers disposal
MASS_correction_DivergenceVelocity Mass Correction for weakly compressible flow problems
nb_TStoRescueInvalidBubbles Number of time steps an invalid bubble should be kept
pure_TRANSPORT (experimental) choice of spatial discretization scheme for transport terms in EULERIMPL and EULEREXPL setting
COEFF_dt_Darcy define the virtual time step size for applications with Darcy (Brinkman) term (UCV)
COMP_DropletphaseSubcycles switch for DROPLETPHASE subcycling (UCV)
COMP_dt_indep parameter to switch on independent time stepping for two-phase LIQUID simulations with v-- and vp- (UCV)
damping_p_corr (chamberwise) parameter to reduce the dynamic pressure as initial guess for the next time level (UCV)
nb_TStoRescueInvalidBubbles Number of time steps an invalid bubble should be kept
CHAMBER (required) define the chamber index for the geometry entities
IDENT (required) how to handle the geometry part during point cloud organization
%IDENT_none% inactive BE (IDENT)
%IDENT_BlindAndEmpty% invisible flux measurement BE (IDENT)
%IDENT_wall% non-moving wall points BE (IDENT)
%IDENT_slip% movable wall points BE (IDENT)
%IDENT_inflow% inflow BE (IDENT)
%IDENT_outflow% outflow BE (IDENT)
%IDENT_free% free surface BE (IDENT)
LIQUID__BC__ definition of physical boundary conditions for LIQUID solver
%BND_none% treat the boundary point as if it would be an interior point
CODI_Integration Time integration options for COnvection-DIffusion-problems (CODI)
BasedOnVolumeFlux generate a sequence of spherical droplets based on user defined volume flux
KindOfProblem Solver Selection for a simulation chamber
Solvers Select the solver base on a physical model
EULERIMPL Higher order implicit Eulerian or ALE motion (recommended among the Euler implementations)
TimeIntegration Order of time integration
IntegrationType Numerical Scheme used for time integration
cv specific heat of the material in J/(kg*K)
ForchheimerConstant coupling parameter for porous media [kg/m^4]
ReadInPointCloud read in an already existing point cloud from file
EnSight read in already existing point cloud from EnSight format
SAVE_format format to save simulation data
USER_h_PC_refinement Number of pointcloud refinement steps performed before start
Beta Latest release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables
All Complete release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables
Stable Release notes for the MESHFREE stable executables
NamesOfStopWatches currently implemented stop watches
Numerics PDE to be solved and the meshfree algorithms to solve the PDE
DROPLETPHASE Explicit solver for droplets which may interact and collect as water films along boundaries
TimeStepCriteria DROPLETPHASE - Time step criteria
LiquidLayer DROPLETPHASE - Modeling of liquid layers
DropletCollisions DROPLETPHASE - Modeling of collisions between droplets
KepsilonAlgorithm turbulence modeling using the k-epsilon model
v-- segregated, directly incompressible solver
vp- directly incompressible, implicit solver with penalty formulation
SHALLOWWATER Solver for shallow water equations