
communication with running MESHFREE-job

Write a command into the file with the name SIGNAL in the project folder, i.e. in the folder where the input files USER_common_variables.dat and common_variables.dat are located. Under linux, the most easy way is to use the echo command, for instance linux> echo quit > SIGNAL One can also load SIGNAL into a regular editor. Note: After reading of the SIGNAL file, MESHFREE will completely erase its contents. Some editors might give an automatic warning, that the file has changed on disc. The computational steering can run in two different modes, which you can switch between using the common variable SIGNAL_LaunchComputationalSteering:
List of members:
ParallelReadingOfSignalFile communication with running MESHFREE-job by separate (parallel) thread
SequentialReadingOfSignalFile communication with running MESHFREE-job by sequential reading of SIGNAL-file
step-by-step-execution execute MESHFREE step by step