
Check the model before a full simulation

The command line option -mc {level} or --model-check {level} allows to quickly check the model defined in the setup by overwriting the values for CONTROL_StopAfterReadingGeometry and SimCut from the input files. This can be done in stages by increasing the model check level.

Value Simulation Behavior
-1 Default. No change. Use parameters as given in input files.
0 CONTROL_StopAfterReadingGeometry = 0, SimCut = 0
Turn off model checks and run full simulation.
1 CONTROL_StopAfterReadingGeometry = 1, SimCut = 0
Read in the initial geometry, save geometry, then stop.
2 CONTROL_StopAfterReadingGeometry = 2, SimCut = 0
Read in the geometry, run the simulation without points and save the geometry throughout to check the MOVE definitions. See also SAVE.
3 CONTROL_StopAfterReadingGeometry = 3, SimCut = 0
Read in the geometry, run the simulation without points and save the geometry throughout. Additionally, in each time cycle we compute the search tree for the geometry (boundary elements), thus, we can check the performance of the organization steps or check rigid body movement with collisions.
N >= 4 CONTROL_StopAfterReadingGeometry = 0, SimCut = N
Fill N layers of points, save the geometry and point cloud, then stop.

See also --limit-timesteps, -lt in CommandLine.