
minimal thickness for degenerated 3D phase

dist_LayerThickness = (0.02, OPTIONAL: 0.3)
Default: dist_LayerThickness = (-1, -1) # not switched on

Wherever a 3D fluid phase degenerates to only one layer of free surface points above one layer of active or inactive boundary points, without any interior points in between, the free surface points are kept at a distance (smoothing length)*(dist_LayerThickness) in normal direction from the boundary.

  • Currently, choosing this parameter > 0 is mandatory to model degenerated thin films in a full 3D approach.

  • Since all free surface points are kept at the prescribed distance (independent of the activation status of the subjacent boundary points), artifacts in the form of apparently "hovering" points may occur.

    optional second value: if >0, it will switch on the adaptive dist_LayerThickness, based on the representative masses of the free surface points, i.e. \( d_i = \min \left( \alpha \cdot {h_i} , \frac{1}{h_i} \frac{ \hat{m} }{ A_i \cdot \rho_i } \right)\) where \( \alpha\) is dist_LayerThickness(2) .