
(experimental) switch for order reduction of x,y,z-derivative stencils in EULERIMPL setting

Default: StencilOrderReductionNearBND_forEULERIMPL = 'YES' If EULERIMPL is used, then due to stabilization issues by default the order of the x,y,z-derivative stencils (see ord_gradient) near the boundary (in an environment of h) is reduced by one. In some cases it can be helpful in terms of accuracy to switch it off by StencilOrderReductionNearBND_forEULERIMPL = 'NON'. For example in cases with long thin geometries (see SpecialBNDtreatmentEULERIMPL) it can greatly improve the results, if it is still stable.
This item is referenced in:
SpecialBNDtreatmentEULERIMPL (experimental) switch for special boundary treatment for MUSCL reconstruction in EULERIMPL scheme
StencilOrderReductionNearBND_forEULERIMPL (experimental) switch for order reduction of x,y,z-derivative stencils in EULERIMPL setting
EULERIMPL Higher order implicit Eulerian or ALE motion (recommended among the Euler implementations)
All Complete release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables