
invoke detection of interface connections (CV)

See PHASE_distinction. Definitions in USER_common_variables are dominant.
This item is referenced in:
%ind_iopp% iopp=index of opposite point.
compute_phase_boundary (obsolete) invoke detection of interface connections (CV)
PHASE_distinction invoke detection of interface connections (CV)
BCON_CNTCT general setting of contact boundary conditions
SAVE_format format to save simulation data
compute_phase_boundary (obsolete) invoke detection of interface connections (UCVO)
PHASE_distinction invoke detection of interface connections (UCVO)
%INTEGRATION_FS_DIRECT% surface integration of a scalar value along the free surface
%INTEGRATION_FS_DIRECT_TIME% surface and time integration of a scalar value along the free surface
%INTEGRATION_FS% surface integration of a vector valued function along the free surface
%INTEGRATION_FS_TIME% surface and time integration of a vector valued function along the free surface
compute_phase_boundary (obsolete) invoke detection of interface connections (UCV)
PHASE_distinction invoke detection of interface connections (UCV)
COMP_DoOrganizeOnlyAfterHowManyCycles do the point cloud organization only after how many time cycles (UCV)