define maximum distance a newly created point at the free surface can be moved in order to perfectly fit the free surface
Free surface points are filled by surface triangulation, and by placing a new point at the center of a Delaunay triangle big enough.
If the surface is curved (sphere,cylinder or the like), placing it in the plane of the triangle introduces a geometrical error and locally flattens the surface.
MESHFREE tries to correct the position of the new point towards the surface curvature of the corner points of the triangle.
The value
ORGANIZE_BringNewPointToFreeSurface limits the distance by which the new location can be corrected:
maximum distance =
ORGANIZE_BringNewPointToFreeSurface *
The default value is
ORGANIZE_BringNewPointToFreeSurface = 0.2
If setting the value of ORGANIZE_BringNewPointToFreeSurface negative, we use the least-squares-representation of the free surface given by the neighbor points.
if the cosine of the angle between free surface and boundary is bigger than the given (second) value, then switch off the bring to surface algorithm.
Current default: ORGANIZE_BringNewPointToFreeSurface = (0.2, 1.1) (bring-to-surface-algorithm always switched on)