define version number for clustering of geometry node points after geometry is read in from file (such as stl-files)
The default value is
ORGANIZE_BE_ClusterNodesPoints_Version = 3
The clustering combines node points of the geometry and thus established topological connectivity between BE-triangles.
That is essential upon read-in of stl-files, as here triangles are originally decoupled.
Version 3 uses a smaller local search radius for neighboring/adjacent node points, saving a lot of computation time, but missing maybe some nodes to be clustered.
actually, in order to do a fast local search of node points, we sort the node points of the geometry into a classical box/cell system.
In order to find the neighbor nodes of a point x, we determine iBox (the index of the cell, in which x is located).
for version 3: the neighbors are taken only from iBox.
for version 2: the neighbors are taken from iBox and the surrounding boxes, (in 3D, all together 27 boxes), so version 2 might be (in the worst case) 27 times slower than versin 3.