
version for the boundary point activation

First of all, for better understanding of the activation algorithm, see Illustration. Default: ORGANIZE_ActivateBNDpoints_Version = 3 (additional options see FurtherOptions) Option selection for version 3: This version, in general, places ghost points at a small distance from free surface points in their normal direction, i.e. \( \mathbf{x}_\text{ghost} = \mathbf{x}_\text{FS} + \epsilon h \cdot \mathbf{n}_\text{FS}\). These ghost points are considered as interior points.
ORGANIZE_ActivateBNDpoints_Version Description
30 Measure the volume angle spanned by the local tetrahedralization; ignore tetras touching only free surface or boundary points (including the ghost points); deactivate a boundary point, if the volume angle is too small.
31 (experimental, do not use) Same as version 30; additionally, a boundary point is deactivated, if the local tetrahedralization forms open faces touching free surface points or their ghosts.
32 (default) Same as version 30; additionally, ignore any tetra touching some free surface point or its sidewise ghost.
33 Activate a boundary point, if its local tetrahedralization touches at least one interior point.
34 Activate a boundary point, if there is a path to some interior point that does not intersect with a disc spanned by either free surface of regular wall points (radius of the disc: \( r_\text{disc} = 0.4*h\)).
9 do not run the activation procedure, instead keep the currect activation status DEBUG option, handle with care!!!
List of members:
FurtherOptions define further options for boundary point activation version 3
Illustration illustrate the idea of boundary point activation