
choose how to exclude neighbors from MESHFREE points at critical geometry parts

Default: NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod = 0 Algorithms chosen: NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod == 0 : NormalBased PositionBased NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod == 1 : GeometryBased NormalBased ReplugNeighbors NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod == 2 : GeometryBased ReplugNeighbors NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod == 3 : GeometryBased ReplugNeighbors this version is a pure re-implementation of NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod==2 with optimal memory caching. However, it does not seem to be significantly faster than version 2 NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod == 4 : same as version 3, ADDITIONALLY: include the free surface points, also representing a boundary disc at their own position NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod == 5 : same as version 3, ADDITIONALLY: include the free surface points, also representing a boundary disc at their position onto the closest boundary together with the boundary normal at the projected point. If no boundary is present in the neighborhood, then no disc is established
List of members:
Version=3+4 special option for version 3 and 4
Version=3+BE special option for version 3 to filter neighbors over boundary elements (BEs)
This item is referenced in:
%ind_cluster% unique cluster index of pointcloud
%ind_neighbor_filter_skip% skip neighbor filtering for this point
NEIGHBOR_FilterMethod choose how to exclude neighbors from MESHFREE points at critical geometry parts
Version=3+4 special option for version 3 and 4
Version=3+BE special option for version 3 to filter neighbors over boundary elements (BEs)
approxY() approximation of a MESHFREE-entity by the MESHFREE least squares operators
projY() projection of a MESHFREE-entity by smooth, Shepard-type approximation
%RepeatCurrentTimeStep_BasedOnReducedPointCloud% repeat the current time step based on a reduced point cloud
LAYER (optional) define layer index
Beta Latest release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables
All Complete release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables
GeometryOperations performance optimization concerning geometry operations
ExcludeCriticalNeighbors Exclude critical neighbors from the neighborlists of MESHFREE points
ReplugNeighbors Replug neighbor MESHFREE points by passon-analysis
NormalBased Exclude critical neighbors from the neighborlists of MESHFREE boundary points
PositionBased Exclude critical neighbors from the neighborlists of MESHFREE points
GeometryBased Exclude critical neighbors based on the given, triangulated geometry