number of permitted repetitions of substep in EULERIMPL setting

Default: NB_OF_ACCEPTED_REPETITIONS = 1 If the automatic time step size control method based on local errors (see TOL_T, TOL_v, TOL_keps) rejects a result of an EULERIMPL substep, the substep will be recomputed with a smaller time step size \begin{align} \Delta t_{k+1} = \Delta t_{k} \left( \dfrac{\theta \, \textnormal{TOL}}{\| \mathbf{\hat{e}}_{k+1} \|} \right)^{1/(\hat{p}+1)}. \end{align} NB_OF_ACCEPTED_REPETITIONS controls how often the substep may be repeated. If this number is reached, MESHFREE will continue with the current (inaccurate) result.
This item is referenced in:
NB_OF_ACCEPTED_REPETITIONS number of permitted repetitions of substep in EULERIMPL setting
SUBSTEPS_IMPL number of implicit substeps with constant time step size in EULERIMPL setting
EULERIMPL Higher order implicit Eulerian or ALE motion (recommended among the Euler implementations)