
MPI_CommunicationMethod = ( iVersion, OPTIONAL: iBuffered , OPTIONAL: iNoDummyPackages , OPTIONAL: iMPIbarriers , OPTIONAL: nMPIbuffer )
  1. iVersion = 4
    • iVersion < 4 :: use classical mpi_send and mpi_recv - functions -> blocking communication
    • iVersion = 4 :: use classical mpi_bsend and mpi_irecv with mpi_waitany - functions -> non-blocking
    • iVersion = 5 :: totally experimental
    • iVersion = 6 :: use mpi_isend and mpi_irecv with mpi_waitany - functions -> non-blocking, no additional send/recv-buffers
  2. iBuffered = 1 (0 switches off the buffered communication)
  3. iNoDummyPackages = 1 (0 invokes sending dummy packages if process i has actually nothing to send to process j)
  4. iMPIbarriers = 1
    • 0: no barriers set,
    • 1: barrier after all data has been sent and after all data was received,
    • 2: additionally, barriers after each send-cycle
    • 3: additionally, barriers after each receive-cycle
  5. nMPIbuffer: set upper limit of MPI-attach buffer for sending and receiving (default: 200000000 bytes)
This item is referenced in:
common_variables simple box driving through a channel of water: common_variables.dat