bundle solvers for linear systems
See LINEQN_BundleSolvers. Definitions in
USER_common_variables are dominant.
LINEQN_solver_ScalarSystems = 'AUTO:SAMG:BCN2:0010'
LINEQN_BundleSolvers = ' pHydrostaticvmm->pressureBNDL , pCorrectionvmm->pressureBNDL, pDynamicvmm->pressureBNDL'
This functionality bundles the different
MESHFREE-context variables into one context for performance analysis of linear systems in the 'AUTO'-context.
The above definition would cluster all three different pressure systems into only analysis-item and genarate the following console output:
================================ BEGIN: Solver Statistics ================================================================
context instance options solver solverTime nbSkip nbFail
pressureBNDL 1 current: BCN2 0.62496037E+01 0 3
old: SAMG 0.46429930E+01 1 10
old: BCN2 0.10000000E-05 0 10
vSegregated 1 current: BCX2 0.10182209E+01 0 3
old: BCX2 0.10283022E+01 0 10
kepsilonvmm 1 current: BCN2 0.51532865E+00 0 3
old: SAMG 0.51321864E+00 1 10
old: BCN2 0.51031041E+00 0 10
================================ END: Solver Statistics ================================================================
Currently existing
MESHFREE context items
- pHydrostaticvpm
- pHydrostaticvmm
- pCorrectionvmm
- pDynamicvpm
- pDynamicvmm
- temperaturevpm
- temperaturevmm
- kepsilonvpm
- kepsilonvmm
- vSegregated
- vCoupled
- assvar