
threshold to cluster two isolated points into one

Default: ISOLATEDPOINTS_ClusterOnResultingVolume = 0.0

Isolated points do not have neighbors, they are marked by the value %ORGANIZE_IsIsolated% in the variable Y%ind_Organize%. If two isolated points (index i and j) come close to each other (distance is less than dist_rip * Y%ind_h%), then they may be clustered to one point, if the resulting volume is small enough. That is

  • the resulting volume fulfills \( \left( V_i + V_j \right)^{\frac{1}{3}} \le \alpha \cdot \frac{1}{2} \left( h_i + h_j \right)\), where \( \alpha\) represents the value of ISOLATEDPOINTS_ClusterOnResultingVolume
  • their normals agree in the sense \( \mathbf{n}_i \cdot \mathbf{n}_j \ge 0.5\)
This feature only works for single phase liquid simulations.

This item is referenced in:
ISOLATEDPOINTS_ClusterOnResultingVolume threshold to cluster two isolated points into one
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