
parameter for the bintree-search of the neighborhood of MESHFREE points

Rules the version how to execute the loop to establish all neighborhood stencils. Version 1: loop over all leaves -> neighborhood of leaf -> each point in the leaf will obtain the neighbor list of the leaf Version 2: loop over all leaves -> try to vectorizes all points contained by a leaf -> attention: seems to deliver not always the same as version 3 Verison 3: loop over all points -> neighborhood directly from the search tree
GEOTREE2_EstablishCON_Version = 2 # use the old version
Default: GEOTREE2_EstablishCON_Version = 3 (new version) OPTIONAL VALUE: sort-by-distance version Default: GEOTREE2_EstablishCON_Version = (3, 5 ) The second parameter invokes the way how the neighbor lists are sorted by their distance to the central point. (This enables to select the closest N neighbors, N given by the parameter max_N_stencil ) sort-by-distance version 1: do not use -> automatically fallling back to default sort-by-distance version 2: classical quicksort sort-by-distance version 3: fast level-sorting-algorithm: subdivide the distance to the central point into N regular intervals (levels); each neighbor point can uniquely be assigned its level. Sorting is done level-wise. Inside one level, points might be unsorted. sort-by-distance version 4: same as 3, additionally do a full sorting due to a global refinement of the levelwise sorted neighbor list sort-by-distance version 5: same as 3, additionally do a level-wise sorting which results in a globally sorted neighbor list sort-by-distance version 6: subdivide the stencil in the N closest points (coming first in the neighbor list) and the rest (thus also allowing us to select the closest N neighbors).
List of members:
Version=3 special remarks on version 3
Version=2 special remarks on version 2