
(chamberwise) GASDYN parameter to choose FPM1 or FPM2

GASDYN_Version = 'FPM1'
Default: GASDYN_Version = 'FPM2' FPM1: see paper_SIA_2005_kuhnert.pdf and chapter 6 in thesis_kuhnert.pdf. A condensed summary of the FPM upwind is given in DOCUMATH_GeneralizationOfUpwindFPM.pdf FPM2: see DOCUMATH_Gasdyn_O2.pdf. FPM3: same as FPM1. The upwind step size is put to zero in case of expansion (i.e. if \( \nabla^T(\mathbf{v})>0\)). This models rarefaction waves more precisely. Note: This parameter can also be set chamberwise for multiphase simulations (see also KindOfProblem, CHAMBER). If it is not set for specific chambers, it is automatically set according to the non-chamberwise definition for all chambers.
This item is referenced in:
GASDYN_Version (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter to choose FPM1 or FPM2