
(chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1 and FPM3

GASDYN_Upwind_Lgamma = 0.2 # 0.2*H as upwind step size
Default: GASDYN_Upwind_Lgamma = 0.0 (no upwind) GASDYN_Upwind_Lgamma represents the parameter \( \gamma\) in GeneralizedUpwind. Additional feature: By putting a minus-sign in front, i.e. GASDYN_Upwind_Lgamma = -A, then we have \begin{align} \gamma = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {0 {\text{ }}if{\text{ }}\nabla ^T{\mathbf{v}} > 0{\text{ (rarefaction)}}}\\ {abs(A) {\text{ elsewise }}} \end{array}} \right. \end{align} Note: This parameter can also be set chamberwise for multiphase simulations (see also KindOfProblem, CHAMBER). If it is not set for specific chambers, it is automatically set according to the non-chamberwise definition for all chambers.
This item is referenced in:
GASDYN_Upwind2ndOrder DEPRECATED!!! (GASDYN parameter for FPM1)
GASDYN_Upwind_Lgamma (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1 and FPM3
GeneralizedUpwind Generalized way of computing upwind terms