
(chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1

Default: GASDYN_UpwindOffset = 0.15 It represents the parameter \( \alpha\) in GeneralizedUpwind. Additional information: The spatial shift in order to compute the upwind quantities is GASDYN_UpwindOffset times smoothing length. i.e. \begin{align} \mathbf{v}_{uw} = \mathbf{v} - \frac{1}{2\rho c} \left( p^+ - p^- \right) = \mathbf{v} - \frac{1}{2\rho c} \left( p(\mathbf{x}+\gamma h \mathbf{n}_{uw}) - p(\mathbf{x}-\gamma h \mathbf{n}_{uw})\right)\end{align} where \( \gamma\) represents the present parameter GASDYN_UpwindOffset and \( \mathbf{n}_{uw}\) is the upwind direction. GASDYN_UpwindOffset is equal to the parameter \( \alpha_{uw}\) in equation (13) in the FPM1-paper paper_SIA_2005_kuhnert.pdf. Refer also to equations (6.12) and (6.13) in thesis_kuhnert.pdf. Here, GASDYN_UpwindOffset represents the value \( \Delta \tau \frac{c}{h}\). Note: This parameter can also be set chamberwise for multiphase simulations (see also KindOfProblem, CHAMBER). If it is not set for specific chambers, it is automatically set according to the non-chamberwise definition for all chambers.
This item is referenced in:
GASDYN_Upwind2ndOrder DEPRECATED!!! (GASDYN parameter for FPM1)
GASDYN_UpwindOffset (chamberwise) GASDYN parameter for FPM1
GeneralizedUpwind Generalized way of computing upwind terms