
correct mass in GASDYN application

GASDYN_CorrectMass = 0.01 # allow 1% of the defect mass to be corrected during a time step
Default: GASDYN_CorrectMass = 0.0 The correction preocedure is \begin{align} \rho_i^{corrected} = \rho_i + \gamma W^{\rho}_i\end{align}

Classical case:

Choose GASDYN_CorrectMass > 0 In this case, we define \( W^{\rho}_i := {\rho}_i\) and determine \( \gamma\) such that \begin{align} \int \limits_{\Omega} \gamma W^{\rho} dV \approx \gamma \sum \limits_{\Omega} W^{\rho}_i V_i = \text{GasdynCorrectMass} \cdot \text{DefectMass}\end{align} Remark: This option scales the density by a factor such that the correct analytical mass is assumed.

Expert option:

Choose GASDYN_CorrectMass < 0 In this case, we define \( W^{\rho}_i := {\rho}_i \vert \nabla^T \mathbf{v} \vert \Delta t\) and determine \( \gamma\) such that \begin{align} \int \limits_{\Omega} \gamma W^{\rho} dV \approx \gamma \sum \limits_{\Omega} W^{\rho}_i V_i = \text{DefectMass}\end{align} with the requirement \( \vert \gamma \vert < \vert \text{GasdynCorrectMass} \vert\) Remark: This option scales the current dynamic changes of the density by a factor such that the correct analytical mass is assumed.
This item is referenced in:
GASDYN_CorrectMass correct mass in GASDYN application