
version of least squares operators

MESHFREE provides different versions for the least squares operators. That is due to the fact, that experience in MESHFREE-applications steadily improves also the mathematical and numerical algorithms. Default: DIFFOP_Version = 5 The differential operators are completely described in DOCUMATH_DifferentialOperators.pdf.
DIFFOP_Version Description
3 See section 2 -> original operator idea
5 See section 3 -> most commonly used version 5
6 and 7 See sections 4 and 5 -> version 6 and 7 used for airbags (PAMCRASH FPM2) in order to handle difficult geometrical settings (folded membranes etc.)
9 Section 6 -> version 9 as an attempt to come up with conservative gradient operators; numerical differentiation step size D (relative to h): c_x = (c_0(x+D)-c_0(x-D))/(2*D); step size D=0.1, can be adapted by DEBUG_GeneralParameter(16)
90 to 99 Same as version 9, additional randomization of the weights in the least squares formulation between 10% and 100%
-9 Experimental -> version 9 for interior points and version 5 for boundary points
This item is referenced in:
common_variables simple box driving through a channel of water: common_variables.dat
DIFFOP_Version version of least squares operators
approxY() approximation of a MESHFREE-entity by the MESHFREE least squares operators
All Complete release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables