
parameter for weight kernel definition for smoothing of viscosity and density. For the darcy constant this value is set to 6.0 (CV)

See COMP_facSmooth_Eta. Definitions in USER_common_variables are dominant.
This item is referenced in:
%ind_ETA_sm% total viscosity, consisting of physical, turbulent, and additional numerical viscosities; unit: Pa*s
COMP_facSmooth_Eta parameter for weight kernel definition for smoothing of viscosity and density. For the darcy constant this value is set to 6.0 (CV)
COMP_facSmooth_Eta parameter for weight kernel definition for smoothing of viscosity (UCVO)
COMP_nbSmooth_Eta number of smoothing cycles for effective, total viscosity and smoothed density (UCV)
COMP_facSmooth_Eta parameter for weight kernel definition for smoothing of viscosity and density(UCV)