
switch on time measurements for the main tasks of MESHFREE

Switch to measure the performance for different tasks of MESHFREE (see TIMECHECK). Default: COMP_TimeCheck = 0 (no measurement)
COMP_TimeCheck Description
0 Default: TIMECHECK off
1 Run the time measurements (using the internal clock-function) and print the result in the program's console output.
2 Run the time measurements. The results of the time measurement can be retrieved by the command time_check in the framework of ComputationalSteering. The results of the measurement is appended to the .signallog-file.
3 Run the time measurements. The results of the time measurement are written to the file TIMECHECK.dat in the SAVE_path.
By placing a MINUS (-) sign before the number, the output is generated in hierarchical structures, separated by commas, allowing the TIMECHECK output to be directly copied into MS Excel, LibreOffice etc. TIMECHECK_Level defines the hierarchy level up to which the time measurements are performed. If a non-zero COMP_TimeCheck is provided, then there are also writeouts in the MESHFREE startup printing the clock time elapsed since simulation start.
This item is referenced in:
common_variables simple box driving through a channel of water: common_variables.dat
COMP_TimeCheck switch on time measurements for the main tasks of MESHFREE
TIMECHECK_Level time check only up to a given level
Beta Latest release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables
All Complete release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables
GeometryOperations performance optimization concerning geometry operations
TIMECHECK measure performance (simulation time) for different tasks of MESHFREE
time_check write out a detailed time check listing
time_check_sum write out a sum-up conclusion of the time check