version how to organize/prepare boundary elements for efficient computation
COMP_SortBEintoBoxes_Version | Description |
1 | Original, box-based search algorithm -> boundary triangles/elements (BE) are sorted into a regular box grid. If the triangles in a local region around a given point are requested, those triangles are chosen which intersect with the box the point is placed in. |
Note: Deprecated option for 3D, only applicable for 2D problems! | |
2 | Bintree-based search algorithm -> boundary triangles/elements (BE) are ordered hierarchically by cutting the set of BE by a plane into two equal half blocks; the equal half blocks are again cut into equal half blocks leading to an adaptive box configuration. If the triangles in a local region around a given point are requested, those triangles are chosen which intersect with the adaptive box the point is placed in. |
21 (default) | Same as version 2, but the bintree is not re-established in every time cycle. Modalities of search tree organization are given by BND_SearchTreeAdministration_NbTimeStepsUntilFirstSkip and BND_SearchTreeAdministration_RefreshTreeAfterHowManyCycles. |
22 | Same as version 21, but during construction of the search tree and computation of the neighbor lists of the triangles/BEs the triangle-box-intersection computations are avoided as much as possible. For big geometries(>5Mio triangles), this speeds up the tree-built-time by factor 3. |