
version how to organize/prepare boundary elements for efficient computation

This parameter determines the version of the point tree algorithm that is used to efficiently search for neighbors of a given MESHFREE point. Default: COMP_SortBEintoBoxes_Version = 21
COMP_SortBEintoBoxes_Version Description
1 Original, box-based search algorithm -> boundary triangles/elements (BE) are sorted into a regular box grid. If the triangles in a local region around a given point are requested, those triangles are chosen which intersect with the box the point is placed in.
Note: Deprecated option for 3D, only applicable for 2D problems!
2 Bintree-based search algorithm -> boundary triangles/elements (BE) are ordered hierarchically by cutting the set of BE by a plane into two equal half blocks; the equal half blocks are again cut into equal half blocks leading to an adaptive box configuration. If the triangles in a local region around a given point are requested, those triangles are chosen which intersect with the adaptive box the point is placed in.
21 (default) Same as version 2, but the bintree is not re-established in every time cycle. Modalities of search tree organization are given by BND_SearchTreeAdministration_NbTimeStepsUntilFirstSkip and BND_SearchTreeAdministration_RefreshTreeAfterHowManyCycles.
22 Same as version 21, but during construction of the search tree and computation of the neighbor lists of the triangles/BEs the triangle-box-intersection computations are avoided as much as possible. For big geometries(>5Mio triangles), this speeds up the tree-built-time by factor 3.