
do the point cloud organization only after how many time cycles (CV)

This item is referenced in:
common_variables simple box driving through a channel of water: common_variables.dat
COMP_DoOrganizeOnlyAfterHowManyCycles do the point cloud organization only after how many time cycles (CV)
COMP_DoOrganizePointsUntil do the organization only until a certain amount of time steps
COMP_DoOrganizeOnlyAfterHowManyCycles do the point cloud organization only after how many time cycles (UCVO)
EVENT events defined for the point cloud
%EVENT_PerformAfterHowManyTimeCycles% cycle of event execution
%TOUCH_always% boundary points always active
%TOUCH_always_force% boundary points always active in a forced way
SAMG_Setupreuse accelerates SAMG solver for quasi-stationary point clouds (UCV)
COMP_DoOrganizeOnlyAfterHowManyCycles do the point cloud organization only after how many time cycles (UCV)
USER_h_PC_refinement Number of pointcloud refinement steps performed before start
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All Complete release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables