
time step criterion depending on %ind_d30% (DROPLETPHASE only) (CV)

See COEFF_dt_d30. Definitions in USER_common_variables are dominant.
This item is referenced in:
CollidingDropletsInCone Colliding droplets in cone geometry
ChannelWithFilter Coupled simulation of droplets and air in a channel with filter
COEFF_dt_d30 time step criterion depending on %ind_d30% (DROPLETPHASE only) (CV)
COEFF_dt_d30 time step criterion depending on %ind_d30% (DROPLETPHASE only) (UCVO)
COMP_DropletphaseSubcycles switch for DROPLETPHASE subcycling (UCV)
COEFF_dt_d30 time step criterion depending on %ind_d30% (DROPLETPHASE only) (UCV)
All Complete release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables
TimeStepCriteria DROPLETPHASE - Time step criteria
DropletCollisions DROPLETPHASE - Modeling of collisions between droplets