
MPI communication version of BE_MONITOR_ITEM (CV)

EXPERIMENTAL OPTION: Switch between different implementations of the MPI-communication within the BE_MONITOR_ITEM computation. This switch is intended to be used while optimizing the performance of BE_MONITOR_ITEM. It should currently NOT be used in production systems! BEmon_MPIcomm_Version = 1: Stable version of the communication algorithm which is well-tested and should be used for production systems BEmon_MPIcomm_Version = 2 (default): Version of the communication which makes use of shared memory but requires serialization per node BEmon_MPIcomm_Version = 3: Experimental version of the communication which only communicates BE information that is non-zero. BEmon_MPIcomm_Version = 23: Experimental version, combining approaches of 2 and 3.

If BEmon_MPIcomm_Version is 2 or 23, then using shared memory MPI by setting COMP_SharedMemoryForBE = true is required. If it is not set, then BEmon_MPIcomm_Version will be set to 1.