
MPI communication version of BE_MAP (CV)

EXPERIMENTAL OPTION: Switch between different implementations of the MPI-communication within the BE_MAP computation. This switch is intended to be used while developing this feature and optimizing its performance. It should currently NOT be used in production systems! BEmap_MPIcomm_Version = 1 (no longer available): Original version of the mapping which broadcasts every value from the parent process of the boundary element to all processes BEmap_MPIcomm_Version = 2 : Stable version of the mapping which uses a collective MPI communication across all processes BEmap_MPIcomm_Version = 3 (default) : Version which uses a collective MPI communication only between the rank zero process of each shared memory group The versions 2 and 3 only differ if more than a single shared memory group of processes exits, i.e. the simulation is running on more than a single node.