
ending equation definition

See Equations.
This item is referenced in:
LS-DYNA LS-DYNA -- direct interface to LS-DYNA via user loading (experimental)
FAQ overview of frequently asked questions and hints for solution
tut3d_08 TUTORIAL 8: simple pressing process
tut3d_09 TUTORIAL 9: simple floating process
LetterCases highlighting several capabilities of MESHFREE
PorousMedia Local flow resistance in isotropic and anisotropic porous materials
TwoPhaseHeatTransfer heat transfer between two different phases with different temperatures
PorousBlock Local flow resistance due to block of porous material
USER_common_variables simple box driving through a channel of water: USER_common_variables.dat
%ind_kob% kob=kind of boundary
__GeneralRemarks__ general remarks upon the syntax within UCV files
RightHandSideExpression syntax for right hand side expressions in USER_common_variables
Variables variables used in the USER_common_variables input file
RepresentativeMass_iData (chamberwise) parameter for the RepresentativeMass algorithm (UCV)
%BND_FRICTION% friction boundary condition for stress tensor
BC_TearOffCriterion establish a tear-off criterion for release from walls
removeBEonCondition{ remove boundary elements based on a (mathematical) condition
1D_Curves define curves with one independent variable
depvar_default defines the index for the independent variable in 1D curves
depvar_horizontal defines the index for the horizontal independent variable in 2D curves
depvar_vertical defines the index for the vertical independent variable in 2D curves
BasedOnVolumeFlux generate a sequence of spherical droplets based on user defined volume flux
Equations define functions, equations, and algebraic expressions
OneArgument real function in MESHFREE-equations with ONE parameter/argument
%RealTimeSimulation% real simulation time
%TimeStepSizeSimulation% current global time step size of the simulation
%NumberTimeStepsExecuted% current number of time steps executed in general
%NumberTimeStepRestart% time step number at restart (if restart executed)
%NumberTimeStepUCVread% time step number at last reading of input file (if executed)
%ElapsedTimePointOrganization% elapsed CPU time for MESHFREE organization
%ElapsedTimeIntegrationCycle% elapsed CPU time for (pure) MESHFREE numerics
%PCRefinementActive% Iteration of Pointcloud refinement, when active USER_h_PC_refinement is active
%FLIQUID_NbParticles% current number of ACTIVE MESHFREE points
%ORGANIZE_NbParticles% current number of ALL MESHFREE points (inactive + active)
%MEM_STATISTICS_ALLOC% currently allocated memory of the node with the highest workload
%MEM_STATISTICS_AVAIL% currently available memory per node
%VMEM_STATISTICS_ALLOC% currently allocated virtual memory
%VMEM_STATISTICS_AVAIL% currently available virtual memory
%MONITOR_NbParticles% current number of MESHFREE monitor points
%TIME_StartTime% timestamp at startup of MESHFREE
%TIME_InitTime% startup and initialization time in seconds
%TIME_WallTime% wall time in seconds
%TIME_StepStartTime% timestamp at start of current time step
%TIME_StepWallTime% wall time of current time step in seconds
%MPI_NbProcesses% current number of MPI processes
%OMP_NbProcesses% current number of openMP threads
%CPU_STATISTICS_TOTAL_ORGANIZE% CPU time summed over all MESHFREE points and the entire simulation time of the MESHFREE organization
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_TOTAL_ORGANIZE% CLOCK time summed over all MESHFREE points and the entire simulation time of the MESHFREE organization
%CPU_STATISTICS_TOTAL_FLIQUID% CPU time summed over all MESHFREE points and the entire simulation time of the (pure) MESHFREE numerics
%CLOCK_STATISTICS_TOTAL_FLIQUID% CLOCK time summed over all MESHFREE points and the entire simulation time of the (pure) MESHFREE numerics
%BND_count_NP% current number of node points belonging to the geometry
%BND_count_BE% current number of boundary elements belonging to the geometry
%USER_h_max% Maximum allowed smoothing length
%USER_h_min% Minimum allowed smoothing length
TwoArguments real function in MESHFREE-equations with TWO parameters/arguments
equn() incorporate existing equations
ChkNP() check for attributes of node points of boundary elements
CID() CuttingCurveCluster ID
isCID() characteristic function for a CuttingCurveCluster
dequn() derivative of a given equation
dcurv() derivative of a given curve
joint() provide general information of a given rigid body being in joint/link-contact with other bodies
ode() incorporate results of ODE solvers
reduct() incorporate results of PointCloudReduction operation
%EQN_KEPS_yStar% nondimensional position in turbulent layer (y_star)
%EQN_KEPS_minAlphaH% estimate of boundary layer thickness
InDom() check if a point is inside a closed domain
DtDom() distance to a given alias domain
dtBND() (experimental) closest distance to boundary (free surface or regular) in the neighborhood of a MESHFREE point
compareY() compare function values between two given chambers
rand() random number generator
if-then-else logical branching in an equation
pmin() minimum of all strictly positive values
int() integer part of a real value
BEsum() summation over values given on boundary elements
BEarea() area of a boundary element
BE_n() normal with respect to a boundary element
BEpos() midpoint, minimum or maximum position of a boundary element
%INTEGRATION_FLUX% flux integration of a functional by counting the MESHFREE points that slip over a given control surface
MEMORIZE_File memorize file
MEMORIZE_Header memorize header file
BE_MAP Define mapping from points to BE
%CUMU_SMOOTH_AreaBased% smooth monitor items along the boundary in every time step
%CUMU_SMOOTH% smooth monitor items along the boundary in every time step
USER_h_PC_refinement Number of pointcloud refinement steps performed before start
ADDS adaptive + discrete smoothing length definition
FreeFlight DROPLETPHASE - Modeling of free flight droplets