beginning curve definition
List of members: | |
depvar_default{ | defines the index for the independent variable in 1D curves |
depvar_horizontal{ | defines the index for the horizontal independent variable in 2D curves |
depvar_vertical{ | defines the index for the vertical independent variable in 2D curves |
This item is referenced in: | |
FAQ | overview of frequently asked questions and hints for solution |
tut3d_07 | TUTORIAL 7: boiling flow in a bowl |
PorousMedia | Local flow resistance in isotropic and anisotropic porous materials |
Rolling | Letters getting flattened by a rolling cylinder |
TwoPhaseHeatTransfer | heat transfer between two different phases with different temperatures |
USER_common_variables | simple box driving through a channel of water: USER_common_variables.dat |
RightHandSideExpression | syntax for right hand side expressions in USER_common_variables |
%CONSTRUCT_EstablishCurveVolumeVersusHeight% | establish a 2-row-curve that provides the height-volume-relation of a closed part of geometry |
Curves | define curves in the input file |
1D_Curves | define curves with one independent variable |
nb_functions | defines the number of dependent variables in 1D curves |
depvar_default | defines the index for the independent variable in 1D curves |
2D_Curves | define curves with two independent variables |
depvar_horizontal | defines the index for the horizontal independent variable in 2D curves |
depvar_vertical | defines the index for the vertical independent variable in 2D curves |
Equations | define functions, equations, and algebraic expressions |
curve() | incorporate curves in an equation |
dcurv() | derivative of a given curve |