This item is referenced in: | |
LS-DYNA | LS-DYNA -- direct interface to LS-DYNA via user loading (experimental) |
FAQ | overview of frequently asked questions and hints for solution |
tut3d_01 | TUTORIAL 1: flow in a simple tube |
tut3d_08 | TUTORIAL 8: simple pressing process |
PorousMedia | Local flow resistance in isotropic and anisotropic porous materials |
Rolling | Letters getting flattened by a rolling cylinder |
FormationFreeJet | formation of a free jet |
TwoPhaseHeatTransfer | heat transfer between two different phases with different temperatures |
USER_common_variables | simple box driving through a channel of water: USER_common_variables.dat |
Ucv_SinglePoolWithBox | simple box driving through a channel of water: Ucv_SinglePoolWithBox.dat |
LiquidLayerExample | Droplets forming a liquid layer on a plate |
RainOnSimplePlate | Simple Rain Source |
__DEFAULT_configuration_file__ | allows to provide Ucv_DEFAULT.dat as a generalistic/default definition |
__GeneralRemarks__ | general remarks upon the syntax within UCV files |
Variables | variables used in the USER_common_variables input file |
ALIAS | alias definitions within a begin_alias-end_alias-block |
AliasForGeometryItems | alias definitions for geometry parts |
IGNORE | (optional) ignore this geometry item when reading from geometry file |
TWOSIDED | (experimental) copy the boundary entity re-orient it, and give other attributes to it |
IDENT | (required) how to handle the geometry part during point cloud organization |
TOUCH | (required) define the wetting/activation behavior of MESHFREE points along the given boundary part |
BC | (required) define flag for boundary conditions |
MOVE | (required) provide a flag for the definition of boundary movement |
MAT | (required) define the material flag to be used, when the geometry part fills new points (mostly for initial filling) |
CHAMBER | (required) define the chamber index for the geometry entities |
SMOOTH_LENGTH | (optional) define flag for smoothing length definition |
POSTPROCESS | (optional) define flag for postprocessing/integration |
METAPLANE | (optional) define a cutting plane for MESHFREE points |
LAYER | (optional) define layer index |
SYMMETRYFACE | (optional) definition of the geometry part as symmetryface (influences distance computation) |
THICKNESS | (optional, experimental) defines the thickness of the shell elements |
ACTIVE | (required) define the activation behavior of the boundary elements of this part |
REV_ORIENT | (optional) flip around orientation of boundary parts upon read-in of geometry files |
BoundaryConditions | definition of physical boundary conditions for boundary elements |
%BND_NEUMANN% | temperature Neumann boundary condition |
%BND_inflow% | inflow velocity boundary condition (Dirichlet type) |
%BND_FRICTION% | friction boundary condition for stress tensor |
BC_TearOffCriterion | establish a tear-off criterion for release from walls |
PrepareGeometryBy_GMSH | prepare MESHFREE geometries by Gmsh, an open source software for geometrical preprocessing |
BND_plane | create a cutting plane |
ConstructClause | mathematical construction of scalars and vectors |
BNDpoints_ExtractFromNodes{ | create BND_points from existing geometry nodes |
manipulate{ | manipulate (move, rotate, ...) the geometry belonging to an alias-group |
ConsistencyChecksAtStartup | check the physical/mathematical consistency for user-given input data |
1D_Curves | define curves with one independent variable |
binA() | step function for alias |
cross() | flag if point crossed a IDENT_BlindAndEmpty boundary element in the current time step |
indexA() | integer index of a given alias |
BEbinA() | Alias step function for boundary elements |
BErand() | Random position on random BE of a given alias |
IDENT | (experimental) defines ident flags for boundary aliases |
%INTEGRATION_INT% | volume integration of a functional with respect to a given material |
%INTEGRATION_INT_TIME% | volume and time integration of a functional with respect to a given material |
%INTEGRATION_BND_DIRECT% | surface integration of a scalar value along pieces of boundary |
%INTEGRATION_BND_DIRECT_TIME% | surface and time integration of a scalar value along pieces of boundary |
%INTEGRATION_BND% | surface integration of a vector valued function along pieces of boundary |
%INTEGRATION_BND_TIME% | surface and time integration of a vector valued function along pieces of boundary |
%INTEGRATION_FLUX% | flux integration of a functional by counting the MESHFREE points that slip over a given control surface |
%INTEGRATION_ABSFLUX% | flux integration of a functional by counting the MESHFREE points that slip over a given control surface independent of the direction |
%MAXIMUM_INT% | maximum of a functional based on all MESHFREE points with respect to given material flags |
%MINIMUM_INT% | minimum of a functional based on all MESHFREE points with respect to given material flags |
%SUMMATION_INT% | summation of given function values based on all MESHFREE points with respect to given material flags |
%AVERAGE_INT% | average of a functional based on all MESHFREE points with respect to given material flags |
%MAXIMUM_BND% | maximum of a functional based on all MESHFREE boundary points with respect to given boundary elements |
%MINIMUM_BND% | minimum of a functional based on all MESHFREE boundary points with respect to given boundary elements |
%SUMMATION_BND% | summation of given function values based on all MESHFREE boundary points with respect to given boundary elements |
%AVERAGE_BND% | average of a functional based on all MESHFREE boundary points with respect to given boundary elements |
%MAXIMUM_FS% | maximum of a functional based on all MESHFREE free surface points with respect to given material flags |
%MINIMUM_FS% | minimum of a functional based on all MESHFREE free surface points with respect to given material flags |
%AVERAGE_FS% | average of a functional based on all MESHFREE free surface points with respect to given material flags |
KindOfProblem | Solver Selection for a simulation chamber |
MassSpringDashpot | movement of a mass-spring-damper system, coupled (by joints) with other %MOVE_rigid% or %MOVE_MassSpringDashpot% items |
%MOVE_ProjectionOfMovementOfAnotherPart% | follow the movement of another geometry part |
RedlichKwongGasLaw | more accurate gas law for modeling real gas behavior |
FreeJet_Exchange | free liquid jet simulation with ExchangeBEOnRestart |
Pipe_Exchange | pipe flow simulation with ExchangeBeOnRestart |
Selection | Switch/Case-type selection statement |
USER_h_PC_refinement | Number of pointcloud refinement steps performed before start |
ADTV | adaptive smoothing length definition |
TOUCH | (experimental) defines touch flags for boundary aliases |
All | Complete release notes for the MESHFREE beta executables |
SHALLOWWATER | Solver for shallow water equations |