
(chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (UCV)

Decide whether or not to check for free surfaces.

compute_FS = 'NON' # do NOT check for free surfaces (default) compute_FS = 'YES' # DO check for free surfaces

This parameter can also be set per chamber (see also KindOfProblem, CHAMBER)

compute_FS(1) = 'NON' # do NOT check for free surfaces, e.g. for air compute_FS(2) = 'YES' # DO check for free surfaces, e.g. for water

Note: The same parameter can also be set in common_variables. Definitions in USER_common_variables are dominant.

Default: compute_FS = 'NON'
This item is referenced in:
FAQ overview of frequently asked questions and hints for solution
tut3d_02 TUTORIAL 2: flow out of a tank
common_variables simple box driving through a channel of water: common_variables.dat
compute_FS (chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (CV)
compute_FS (chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (UCVO)
compute_FS (chamberwise) switch to compute free surfaces (UCV)
ACTIVE defines active flags for boundary aliases
%IDENT_inflow% inflow BE (IDENT)
%IDENT_free% free surface BE (IDENT)
%BND_free% direct dynamic pressure boundary conditions at free surface
%BND_free_InContact% Implicit interphase condition for free surface with opposite phase
%BND_free_InContact_Explicit% Explicit interphase condition for free surface with opposite phase.
%BND_free_InContact_Explicit% hydrostatic pressure contact boundary conditions for the case the contact phase is the light phase
%BND_free_implicit_InContact_explicit% direct dynamic pressure boundary conditions at phase boundary
%BND_free% free surface boundary condition for velocities
%BND_free_NoVisc% non-viscous boundary condition for velocities
%BND_free% free surface boundary condition for turbulence-k
%BND_free% free surface boundary condition for turbulence-eps