
format to save simulation data

SAVE_format specifies the format for result files for point cloud and geometry. The general syntax is:
SAVE_format = ' MainFormat FourFormatLetters AdditionalOptions(optional) '
SAVE_format(1) = 'ENSIGHT6 BINARY N---' SAVE_format(2) = 'ASCII N---' SAVE_format(3) = 'ERFHDF5 N---'

Main Formats

  • "ASCII " (only supports "N---", "N-T-" and "ONLY:PARTICLES")
  • "ERFHDF5 " (only supports "N---", "N-T-" and "ONLY:PARTICLES")

Four format letters

Usage of the four format letters:
Four format letters Meaning
'N---' display only active nodes (Y%ind_act% > 0)
'A---' display ALL nodes, even the inactive MESHFREE points; in this case the user should also save the quantity %ind_act% to distinguish these in postprocessing.
'N--T' nodes and tetrahedra coming from the Delaunay decomposition of the MESHFREE point cloud
'N-T-' nodes and surface triangles produced by Delaunay decomposition of the free surface and the regular boundaries
'NN--' nodes and boundary normals, only for 'ENSIGHT6 BINARY'
'NC--' nodes and connectivities between multiple chambers, useful for visualizing contact between phases, see PHASE_distinction.
'....P' additional option for 'ENSIGHT6 BINARY'; invokes the visualization of the metaplanes, very useful for debugging

Additional options

  • 'GEOMETRY:OFF' : does not save the geometry, only saves the MESHFREE points.
  • 'GEOMETRY:ONCE' : saves all points, but the geometry is only saved at the first time.
  • 'ONLY:PARTICLES' : same as 'GEOMETRY:OFF'. Example:
  • NO:PARTS (Do not split the MESHFREE point chambers into parts for 'ENSIGHT6 BINARY'. ParaView as well as VisIt have problems and usually produce errors, if one of the chambers disappears. This might be the case, if the SHALLOWWATER solver is used together with LIQUID, but SHALLOWWATER is switched off after a certain time.)
  • TIMEACC:n set the number of decimal places in the case file for the time set. The maximum value for n is 92. The standard format is e12.5, i.e. TIMEACC:5, but this will lead to problems if saving every time cycle for a big time and small time steps size (say t=1 and dt=1.0e-6 cannot be resolved anymore in the case file). This option has only effect for ENSIGHT6 BINARY.
Note: When using begin_save{ environments, the command SAVE_format(i) with i>1 is no longer supported.
List of members:
BLENDER Computational results in sequences of OBJ files
ASCII computation results column-wise in an ASCII formatted file
ENSIGHT6 computation results in Ensight6 format
ERFHDF5 computation results in ESI format ERF-HDF5