monitor points due to user-defined conditions

Pure postprocessing points can be created by user-defined conditions in order to better understand the computed flow. These monitorpoints do not take part in the numerics of the simulation, they are simply attached to the solution and carry useful results. Monitor points can be created by MONITORPOINTS_CREATION, stopped by MONITORPOINTS_STOP, and deleted by MONITORPOINTS_DELETION. The latter is important regarding the performance of a simulation. Information of monitor points can be saved by SAVE_MONITOR_ITEM. Information of monitor points, that have been created at boundary elements by %MONITORPOINTS_CREATION_AtBoundary%, can be mapped onto the corresponding boundary elements by BE_MONITOR_ITEM or directly mapped and saved by SAVE_BE_MONITOR_ITEM.
List of members:
BE_MONITOR_ITEM BE monitor item
MONITORPOINTS_CREATION create monitor points due to user-defined conditions
MONITORPOINTS_DELETION delete existing monitor points by user-defined conditions
MONITORPOINTS_STOP stop existing monitor points by user-defined conditions
SAVE_BE_MONITOR_ITEM monitor item to be saved per BE element for visualization (MP)
SAVE_MONITOR_ITEM monitor item to be saved for visualization (MP)