integration of the simulation results
With the help of INTEGRATION statements in USER_common_variables, simulation quantities can be further analyzed. Application examples are monitoring conservation quantities such as the total mass in the simulation model or evaluating a quantity like pressure at a certain position corresponding to a sensor in experiments.
The result of an INTEGRATION statement is a scalar value. For each timestep, the INTEGRATION statement is evaluated and written to a so-called TimestepFile, that can be found in the result folder.
Optionally, each INTEGRATION statement can be supplemented with an %INTEGRATION_Header% to provide the column headers, see HeaderInfoOrComments.
List of members: | |
%INTEGRATION_INT% | volume integration of a functional with respect to a given material |
%INTEGRATION_INT_TIME% | volume and time integration of a functional with respect to a given material |
%INTEGRATION_BND_DIRECT% | surface integration of a scalar value along pieces of boundary |
%INTEGRATION_BND_DIRECT_TIME% | surface and time integration of a scalar value along pieces of boundary |
%INTEGRATION_FS_DIRECT% | surface integration of a scalar value along the free surface |
%INTEGRATION_FS_DIRECT_TIME% | surface and time integration of a scalar value along the free surface |
%INTEGRATION_BND% | surface integration of a vector valued function along pieces of boundary |
%INTEGRATION_BND_TIME% | surface and time integration of a vector valued function along pieces of boundary |
%INTEGRATION_FS% | surface integration of a vector valued function along the free surface |
%INTEGRATION_FS_TIME% | surface and time integration of a vector valued function along the free surface |
%INTEGRATION_FLUX% | flux integration of a functional by counting the MESHFREE points that slip over a given control surface |
%INTEGRATION_FLUX_TIME% | time and flux integration of a functional by counting the MESHFREE points that slip over a given control surface |
%INTEGRATION_FLUX_IN% | flux integration of a functional by counting the newly injected MESHFREE points |
%INTEGRATION_ABSFLUX% | flux integration of a functional by counting the MESHFREE points that slip over a given control surface independent of the direction |
%INTEGRATION_ABSFLUX_TIME% | time and flux integration of a functional by counting the MESHFREE points that slip over a given control surface independent of the direction |
%MAXIMUM_INT% | maximum of a functional based on all MESHFREE points with respect to given material flags |
%MINIMUM_INT% | minimum of a functional based on all MESHFREE points with respect to given material flags |
%SUMMATION_INT% | summation of given function values based on all MESHFREE points with respect to given material flags |
%AVERAGE_INT% | average of a functional based on all MESHFREE points with respect to given material flags |
%MAXIMUM_BND% | maximum of a functional based on all MESHFREE boundary points with respect to given boundary elements |
%MINIMUM_BND% | minimum of a functional based on all MESHFREE boundary points with respect to given boundary elements |
%SUMMATION_BND% | summation of given function values based on all MESHFREE boundary points with respect to given boundary elements |
%AVERAGE_BND% | average of a functional based on all MESHFREE boundary points with respect to given boundary elements |
%MAXIMUM_FS% | maximum of a functional based on all MESHFREE free surface points with respect to given material flags |
%MINIMUM_FS% | minimum of a functional based on all MESHFREE free surface points with respect to given material flags |
%AVERAGE_FS% | average of a functional based on all MESHFREE free surface points with respect to given material flags |
%MAXIMUM_MP% | maximum of a functional based on all non-irreducible monitor points with respect to given material flags |
%MINIMUM_MP% | minimum of a functional based on all non-irreducible monitor points with respect to given material flags |
%SUMMATION_MP% | summation of a functional based on all non-irreducible monitor points with respect to given material flags |
%AVERAGE_MP% | average of a functional based on all non-irreducible monitor points with respect to given material flags |
%POINT_DIRECT% | write simple values like position, chamber index etc. of a BND_point to file |
%POINT_APPROXIMATE% | approximation of a functional at a BND_point by MESHFREE interpolation |
%POINT_APPROXIMATE_ProjBNDOnly% | approximation of a functional at a BND_point by MESHFREE interpolation with respect to neighboring boundary points |
%PUBLICVALUE% | public value of MESHFREE simulation |
%PUBLICVALUE_TIME% | time-integrated public value of MESHFREE simulation |
%PUBLICVALUE_SUM% | summed public value of MESHFREE simulation |
%PUBLICVALUE_CLOCKstatistics% | CLOCK value of given stop watch |
%PUBLICVALUE_CPUstatistics% | CPU value of given stop watch |
%PUBLICVALUE_MP% | public value of MESHFREE simulation derived from non-irreducible monitor points (experimental) |
%MINIMUM_BENP% | (experimental) minimum of a scalar value with respect to boundary node points |
%MAXIMUM_BENP% | (experimental) maximum of a scalar value with respect to boundary node points |
%SUMMATION_BENP% | (experimental) summation of a scalar value with respect to boundary node points |
ExpressionOfIntegrand | scalar expression to integrate with respect to a given region |
Skip | additional options to skip computation of integrations |
TimestepFile | Results of INTEGRATION statements per timestep |
SequentialFiltering | generate writeout to timestep files due to simple sequential filters |
SelectionFeatures | additional options to further select MESHFREE integration points for integration |
HeaderInfoOrComments | add comments for integration |
AppendDataToExistingFiles | append the INTEGRATION data to an existing .timestep file of the same structure |
%ASSIGN_FUNCTIONVALUE% | assign a function value to selected MESHFREE points |
%INTEGRATION_BE_DIRECT% | surface integration of a scalar value on boundary elements |
%INTEGRATION_BE_DIRECT_TIME% | surface and time integration of a scalar value on boundary elements |
%MINIMUM_BE% | minimum of a scalar value with respect to boundary elements |
%MAXIMUM_BE% | maximum of a scalar value with respect to boundary elements |
%SUMMATION_BE% | summation of a scalar value with respect to boundary elements |