flux integration of a functional by counting the MESHFREE points that slip over a given control surface
Warning: %INTEGRATION_FLUX% as well as
%INTEGRATION_FLUX_TIME% work only for boundary elements marked with
IDENT identifier
It computes the flux of a functional \( f\) (
ExpressionOfIntegrand) across a control surface in the sense:
\begin{align} I_\text{Flux} = \int\limits_{\partial\Omega} f \cdot ({\bf v}^T {\bf n}) dA\end{align}
This integral is approximated by summing up the
MESHFREE points which are currently penetrating through the control surface \( \partial\Omega\):
\begin{align} I_\text{Flux} \approx \sum_{i \in P_\text{slipped}} f_i \cdot \text{sgn}( {\bf v}_i^T \cdot {\bf n}_i ) \frac{V_i}{\Delta t}\end{align}
\( P_\text{slipped}\) is the set of all
MESHFREE points which slipped over \( \partial\Omega\) in this time step.
The term \( \text{sgn}( {\bf v}_i^T \cdot {\bf n}_i )\) accounts for the direction the
MESHFREE point goes through the control surface.
If the dependency from the direction should be ignored, the net value can be integrated by:
Integration without dependency of the direction of passage through the control surface is given by
Note: -
- Skip is not recommended for this type of integration statement.
- This type of integration necessarily requires the movement of the point cloud, i.e. it is only applicable in case of LAGRANGE as MotionOfPointcloud.
DROPLETPHASE points the same remarks as for
%INTEGRATION_INT% apply and we obtain
\begin{align} I_\text{Flux} \approx \sum_{i \in P_\text{slipped}} f_i \cdot \text{sgn}( {\bf v}_i^T \cdot {\bf n}_i ) \frac{n_iV_i}{\Delta t}\end{align}
where \( n_i\) corresponds to the multiplicity stored in