events defined for the point cloud

An EVENT is a feature that evaluates an event_trigger_expression on all MESHFREE points at the beginning of the point cloud organization. If the trigger expression is evaluated positively an action is performed. The action to be performed is defined by the type of event. The following types are available:
  1. Function manipulation (can be used e.g. for the rotation of points hitting a certain part of the boundary geometry)
  2. Deletion of points (can be used for "meta geometries")
  3. Projection of data from other parts of the geometry
  4. Stop MESHFREE and exit cleanly
  5. Abort MESHFREE with an error
  6. Display an event message
  7. Write a restart file independent of the definition given in RestartStepSize
  8. Write a resume file
  9. Save computational results independent of the definition given in SAVE_interval
In USER_common_variables, the definition of an event looks as follows:
EVENT($EV_FuncMani$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_FunctionManipulation%, %ind_xyz%, expression_xyz , OPTIONAL: Further indices to be manipulated ) EVENT($EV_Deletion$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_DeletePoint% , OPTIONAL: MessageCode ) EVENT($EV_DataProj$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_DataProjection%, xEval, yEval, zEval, chamberEval, %ind_Function%, %ind_Target% , OPTIONAL: Further indices to be projected ) EVENT($EV_Stop$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_StopFPM%, OPTIONAL: MessageCode ) EVENT($EV_Abort$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_AbortFPM%, OPTIONAL: MessageCode ) EVENT($EV_Message$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_Message%, MessageCode ) EVENT($EV_Restart$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_WriteRestart%, OPTIONAL: MessageCode ) EVENT($EV_Resume$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_WriteResume%, OPTIONAL: MessageCode ) EVENT($EV_DelRes$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_DeleteResume%, OPTIONAL: MessageCode ) EVENT($EV_Save$) = ( event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_SaveResults%, OPTIONAL: MessageCode )
For each MESHFREE point, the event_trigger_expression is evaluated. If it is larger than zero for the considered point, the event is triggered and the following action is performed. The event_trigger_expression as well as the manipulations for the indices are defined by Equations. The (optional) MessageCode is a positive integer or $$-acronym that associates the event with an EventMessage to be printed every time the event is triggered. Note:
  • Events are not executed in the first time step, directly after restart, or in case of resuming.
  • The soft variables on the left hand side of the definition are optional. If none is given, then MESHFREE counts the number of event statements by their appearance in USER_common_variables. Instead of a soft variable, also the legacy syntax with natural number n is possible. In this case, all event statements in USER_common_variables have to be numbered consecutively to prevent overwriting. Warning: The syntax with and without soft variables as well as with natural number must not be mixed!
  • %EVENT_StopFPM% and %EVENT_AbortFPM% can be used for further stopping criteria besides time and number of time steps.
  • By default, events are executed only if the point cloud organization is executed in this time step. I.e., if COMP_DoOrganizeOnlyAfterHowManyCycles \( = N > 1\), then events will also be executed only every \( N\) time steps. To make the execution of a single event independent of the point cloud organization, %EVENT_PerformAfterHowManyTimeCycles% must be used. This forces the event handler to execute the particular event every N_CycEvent time steps by prepending the additional parameters %EVENT_PerformAfterHowManyTimeCycles% and N_CycEvent to the RightHandSideExpression. This feature can also be used to enhance the performance by choosing a large value for N_CycEvent.
    EVENT($EV_TimeCycle$) = ( %EVENT_PerformAfterHowManyTimeCycles%, N_CycEvent, event_trigger_expression, %EVENT_...%, ... )
  • For EVENT statements which do not depend on point properties, use %EVENT_PublicTrigger%.
List of members:
EventMessage event message with message code
%EVENT_PublicTrigger% evaluate event trigger as public expression
%EVENT_DataProjection% event handle to project data from other parts of the geometry
%EVENT_PerformAfterHowManyTimeCycles% cycle of event execution
%EVENT_FunctionManipulation% pointwise function manipulation event handle
%EVENT_DeletePoint% deletion of point event handle
%EVENT_StopFPM% stop MESHFREE event handle
%EVENT_AbortFPM% abort MESHFREE event handle
%EVENT_Msg% print message event handle
%EVENT_Message% print message event handle
%EVENT_WriteRestart% write restart event handle
%EVENT_WriteResume% write resume event handle
%EVENT_DeleteResume% write resume event handle
%EVENT_SaveResults% save computational results event handle