
define curves in the input file

In MESHFREE, curves are tables of values that can be used to assign any physical or geometrical quantity, such as density depending on pressure or viscosity depending on temperature. They are defined in a begin_curve{ environment.
begin_curve{$CurveName$} ... end_curve
We distinguish between 1D_Curves and 2D_Curves, for details see there. Once a curve is defined, it can be used in a RightHandSideExpression, e.g. in a boundary condition:
BC_T($wall$)=(%BND_DIRICH%, curve{$CurveName$})
Or within equations:
[ ... curve($CurveName$) ... ]
They return linearly interpolated values between the given interpolation points.
List of members:
1D_Curves define curves with one independent variable
2D_Curves define curves with two independent variables