
definition of a geometry file to be read by MESHFREE

Reading a geometry file is done in the following way:
begin_boundary_elements{} ... include{FileName} ... end_boundary_elements
No need to put the file name in double quotes! A geometry file usually provides a set of node points as well as a set of topological connections of the node points in order to create triangles, quads, but also points and lines. Supported formats:
  • STL (ascii only!)
  • MSH
  • OBJ
Sometimes, it is necessary to geometrically modify geometry entities. That can be done by The categories GeometryManipulations, GeometryRestrictions, exportGeometry{} (or exportFile{}) are optional. None, a choice of them, or even all of them in the same statement/line are accepted.
List of members:
MSH .msh file format for geometries
STL .stl file format for geometries
OBJ .obj file format for geometries
GeometryManipulations geometrical modifications of boundary elements files read
GeometryRestrictions restrictions for boundary elements files read
exportGeometry{ export the actually imported geometry file in STL or OBJ format
exportFile{ export the actually imported geometry file in STL or OBJ format