
geometrical modifications of boundary elements files read

Sometimes, it is necessary to geometrically modify geometry entities. That can be done by
begin_boundary_elements{} ... include{FileName} GeometryManipulations ... end_boundary_elements
GeometryManipulations can be a list. It will be executed in the order as they appear. Actions like scale, offset etc. can even be repeatedly be applied. Example:
begin_boundary_elements{} ... include{FileName} scale{...} offset{...} scale{...} rotate{...} offset{...} ... end_boundary_elements
The geometry manipulations are applied to the node points. The topology connections describing the elements are not touched.
List of members:
applyAlias{ Rename BoundaryElements with the given alias name
coarsenGeometry{ coarsen the triangulation of the specified part of the geometry
duplicate{ Duplicate part of the geometry and apply a new alias
extrude{ Extrude a 2D surface in one direction to a 3D object
layerByCluster{ assign the layer-property of a geometrical entity, possibly overrides the user given value from the ALIAS block
mirror{ generalized mirroring across a plane
offset{ shift the given geometry by a vector
refineGeometry{ refine the triangulation of the specified part of the geometry
removeBEonCondition{ remove boundary elements based on a (mathematical) condition
removeCluster{ removes cluster(s) of the current geometry subset due to given conditions
removeIsolatedClusters{ remove clusters who have less than a given number of single geometry elements (triangles, quads, etc.)
removeOuterShell{ for shell geometry given by two closed surfaces, remove outer surface
removeTinyClusters{ remove tiny parts from a geometrical entity
reorientation{ reorientation (inside/outside) of parts of the geometry
revOrient{ Invert orientation of boundary elements
rotate{ rotate the given geometry about a point with a rotation axis and angle
scale{ scale the given geometry about the origin
symmetryfaceByCluster{ automatic distribution of SYMMETRYFACE-flags to geometry components
thickenabs{ move a given part of the geometry by an absolute value of distance
thickenexp{ move the given part of the boundary by a relative value, correlated to the locally given smoothing length
turn_6NodeTriangles_into_3NodeTriangles{ Turn 6-node triangles into 3-node triangles