
definition of physical boundary conditions for boundary elements

Boundary conditions are an essential ingredient for the simulation model. They are defined and then attached to boundary elements in the alias section. They must be provided according to the solver choice.

General Syntax

Boundary conditions for all relevant variables can be defined by:
BC_p($BCindex$) = RightHandSideExpression # hydrostatic pressure BC_v($BCindex$) = RightHandSideExpression # velocity BCON($BCindex$,%ind_Var%) = RightHandSideExpression # BCON is a more general keyword to define boundary conditions
Here, BC_p and BC_v are specialized keywords for pressure and velocity, respectively, and BCON is a more general keyword to define boundary conditions for arbitrary variables. These boundary conditions are then related to boundary elements in the alias section (see AliasForGeometryItems) with the BC-flag:
begin_alias{} "BoundaryName" = " ...MOVE$MOVEindex$ ... BC$BCindex$ ... SMOOTH_LENGTH$Hindex$ ... " end_alias
List of members:
DROPLETPHASE__BC__ Boundary Conditions for Dropletphase
GASDYN__BC__ definition of physical boundary conditions for GASDYN solver
LIQUID__BC__ definition of physical boundary conditions for LIQUID solver