
hydrostatic pressure boundary conditions

Using the BC_p command, the user can specify boundary conditions for the hydrostatic pressure such as
BC_p($BCindex$) = ( %BND_inflow% ) BC_p($BCindex$) = ( %BND_outflow% ) BC_p($BCindex$) = ( %BND_AVERAGE% ) BC_p($BCindex$) = ( %BND_wall%, OPTIONAL: c_div , OPTIONAL: c_NUS ) BC_p($BCindex$) = ( %BND_free% )
These boundary conditions are applied when solving the Poisson equation for the hydrostatic pressure (see HydrostaticPressureAlgorithm). Additionally, if no boundary conditions are specified for the correction pressure (see CorrectionPressureAlgorithm), the hydrostatic pressure boundary conditions are used together with the dynamic pressure boundary conditions (see %ind_p_dyn%) to derive such boundary conditions.
List of members:
%BND_inflow% hydrostatic pressure boundary conditions: inflow condition
%BND_AVERAGE% hydrostatic pressure boundary conditions: average of neighbors (Neumann type)
%BND_wall% hydrostatic pressure boundary conditions: classical wall
%BND_wall_nosl% hydrostatic pressure boundary conditions: classical wall
%BND_slip% hydrostatic pressure boundary conditions: classical wall
%BND_outflow% hydrostatic pressure outflow boundary condition
%BND_free% hydrostatic pressure free surface boundary condition