general setting of boundary conditions

Set boundary conditions for any variable (see __Indices__ ) for which a partial differential equation (PDE) has to be solved. The general syntax is
BCON($BCflag$,%ind_Variable%) = RightHandSideExpression
This is especially important in the framework of CODI. For all variables used in a CODI-environment, this boundary condition feature is important and completes the setup of the PDE. Example:
CODI_D($MAT$,%indU_userdefined%) = 10000 CODI_Q($MAT$,%indU_userdefined%) = 1 BCON($BND1$,%indU_userdefined%) = (%BND_DIRICH%, 0 ) BCON($BND2$,%indU_userdefined%) = (%BND_NEUMANN%, 0 )
However, this is a general function. The convenience functions BC_... are shortcuts to BCON: BC_v($BND$) -> BCON($BND$,%ind_v(1)%) BC_p($BND$) -> BCON($BND$,%ind_p%) BC_T($BND$) -> BCON($BND$,%ind_T%) BC_k($BND$) -> BCON($BND$,%ind_k%) BC_eps($BND$) -> BCON($BND$,%ind_eps%) BC_S($BND$) -> BCON($BND$,%ind_Sxx%)
List of members:
%ind_c% correction pressure boundary conditions
%ind_p_dyn% dynamic pressure boundary conditions
%ind_tauW% turbulent boundary settings for turbulent wall stress